Hulu Going Public

Finally the awesome Hulu video power house is going public! Previously in a private beta for months, the high quality video ad supported site is going public on March 12. It has some new partners to add to its content provider list as well including Warner Bros and Lionsgate!

I’ve been using Hulu for some time now and it’s absolutely fantastic. Sure it’s a pain the ears when the commercials come on blaring at 5 decibels louder than the actual show, but besides that the service has been great. Hopefully their servers won’t be destroyed when the public breaks in!

StuffWeLike Videos Go Shiny

It’s not everyday that you get to say something like that, but today is a special day! We’ve got a brand-new shiny player for you all to feast your eyes on! A larger version is available on the Videos page. One of the swanky new features that this player includes is a built-in chatroom.

Please let us know what you think!

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Splashcast Goes Pro

We’ve been following the web 2.0 company Splashcast Media for exactly 1 year now. On February 25, 2007 we launched version 7.0 of because of Splashcast. I rushed to quickly redesign the website and focus it on entertainment news and videos.

Over that time, we’ve worked very closely with Splashcast to help improve their offerings. Their original player looked like this:


The Pipeline 1.0

As you can see, there are many flaws with this design. Over time Splashcast improved many features, but it wasn’t until August 29, 2007 that it went 2.0.
Continue reading “Splashcast Goes Pro”

YouTube Partners

When news broke out earlier today about Google finally opening the Adsense for Video vault with partners such as Revver and, I was ecstatic! Finally there’s a possibility that I can earn more money off of my videos. Sure both Revver and Blip, had their own ad systems, but with Revver I’ve only made $1 for 22k viewers!

I also signed up for the YouTube Partners. With YouTube as my second largest viewership audience, with 147k views. Hopefully I’ll have a better chance making money with YouTube – BUT who knows if I’ll be accepted into the program.

Oddly enough Yahoo Video is in first place for my viewer ratings with over a quarter of a million views. It’s a shame that Yahoo currently doesn’t offer a publisher ad-revenue sharing program.

It is pretty pathetic and very frustrating as a video producer that there isn’t a clear way to earn money off of these views. I’ll keep you all informed on my progress. If you’ve had more luck or have any recommendations, please write a comment.

PASSIVELY Multiplayer Online Games?

St. Nick

You’ve seen Massively Multiplayer Online Games, but I believe you’ve never even heard of Passively Multiplayer Online Games apart from a lame joke from that annoying friend. Under development at GameLayers is such a diabolical concept, and it has a ridiculously simple premise which makes me wonder why nobody tried it before.

To find out what this whole Passively Multiplayer shindig is, hit the jump!

Continue reading “PASSIVELY Multiplayer Online Games?”

Say Goodbye to Facebook Apps

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Yes the Facebook Gods have finally heard and responded to our cries! You can now officially block applications that you don’t want to use or ever hear about again! Of course you’d never block StuffWeLike’s The Pipeline player app…

So next time that you receive 50 invitations to Zombie Infestation, you can click on the application link and block it.

In addition to that you can now review applications – write up something and rate it out of 5 stars – and become a fan of the application. These metrics will definitely become important for the future of the Facebook Applications section. The higher and more frequent ratings mixed in with high usage will lead to better coverage a possible best of Facebook Apps section.