Youtube Annotations

Youtube has added a new feature called Annotations! This is awesome for video producers because it allows you to write notes on your video! Include popup text with links and you can have some major kick ass videos! Imagine you say a URL – now you can write it out in the video and provide a link to it for viewers to click on during the video!

This is fantastic thanks Youtube!

Here’s an example.


Currently links can only be to: YouTube Video, Channel, or Search result.
Also currently the text is only available on videos embedded on Youtube.

My How-To Annotate video:

Continue reading “Youtube Annotations”

Lost Zombies: Zombie videos go Web 2.0

Unknown Zombie

Zombies. They’re everywhere. And even today, people think that they are merely monsters in horror movies and content matter for horror movie parodies. Fools. All of them. One day, the zombie apocalypse will take the lives of millions of humans from all over Earth. But a bold step has been taken to prevent this: Lost Zombies.

A fine cross between Zombie Awareness and Web 2.0, Lost Zombies encourages you to post any proof you have about zombies, in photos or videos. Hit the jump to know more about what you can do to save the world.

Continue reading “Lost Zombies: Zombie videos go Web 2.0”

YouTube Widescreen Player

[Update 12/04/08: YouTube now allows for HD streaming. and
YouTube has enabled Widescreen embeds.

Updated 11/24/08: YouTube defaults to 16:9 player format, but what does that mean for the web video industry?]

YouTube’s been going under some mega changes so far this year and now they’ve updated their new player to resize itself to true widescreen resolution. For right now that only pro’s that I can notice between the new widescreen player versus the older player is that if there are widescreen black bars the majority of them will be cut off.

Is this really all that newsworthy? I say no, but the question is why does YouTube find it necessary to release a widescreen format player? There’s got to be something else that this new form of a player can offer that the old one didn’t. Hopefully they’ll let us know what exactly that is soon enough.

Right now because their new player does not embed onto third party sites we can’t show you the differences directly within this post. You can see an example here. Make sure to turn on and off the old/new player to see the differences.

YouTube Widescreen Player

I’m good at photoshop.

Dark Knight virals, spoil the movie?


There used to be a time when a synopsis for a movie was considered a spoiler but in recent times everything up to and including the script is online before the movies come out. Take the Oliver Stone George Bush movie W for example. (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Continue reading “Dark Knight virals, spoil the movie?”

Facebook Chat

Ladies and gentlemen, here we go the official death of AIM is here. For years millions have used AIM to chat with buddies, but now Facebook is entering the instant messaging market. TechCrunch did a screencast of the new web based service. We can only begin to imagine the possibilities that this new field will provide Facebook users. Facebook Chat will be made public within the next few weeks.