The Nixon Murf Watch


Style: you either have it or you don’t. Well, these timekeepers from Nixon certainly do. Coming out in a range of colors-they just ooze cool, no matter which finish you go for.

The Nixon Murf watches offer Japanese quartz movement with a retro-looking dial showing hours and minutes and has an LED light, so the night need not rob you off the sight of your new wrist adornment.

The band is stainless steel with the usual butterfly clasp to secure it, as a jealous glance of this watch would make anyone want to prise it from your wrist.

We just love the retro simplicity of the collection, though for something different, the wood flavor looks particularly awesome and a deviation from the usual stainless steel facias to be found on the high street.

Prices range from $300-$350. If you’re just as lovestruck, you can purchase them right:

Holy Cryst, Crytek trademarks “Crysis Warhead”

Crysis Warhead

Crytek, the vydeo game developer we all know very well for makyng Far Cry and Crysis have trademarked the name “Crysis Warhead”. Since it sounds lyke a great name for a game, we thynk that must be it, and there’s also a remote chance it might be connected to the orygynal Crysis game.

Hit the jump to know more.

Continue reading “Holy Cryst, Crytek trademarks “Crysis Warhead””

Hulu Going Public

Finally the awesome Hulu video power house is going public! Previously in a private beta for months, the high quality video ad supported site is going public on March 12. It has some new partners to add to its content provider list as well including Warner Bros and Lionsgate!

I’ve been using Hulu for some time now and it’s absolutely fantastic. Sure it’s a pain the ears when the commercials come on blaring at 5 decibels louder than the actual show, but besides that the service has been great. Hopefully their servers won’t be destroyed when the public breaks in!

Big boys toys: Lego MP3 player and iPod dock


Ah, Nostalgia. What a wonderful thing it is reminiscing about the days when we used to play with Lego. Speaking of which, check out this flashback inducing MP3 player from Homade, made from the colored buliding blocks. Well not quite, since they aren’t an official Lego product. Still, they look exactly like the building blocks of our youth.

Read on for the whole collection and the lego-like iPod dock.

Continue reading “Big boys toys: Lego MP3 player and iPod dock”

StuffWeLike Videos Go Shiny

It’s not everyday that you get to say something like that, but today is a special day! We’ve got a brand-new shiny player for you all to feast your eyes on! A larger version is available on the Videos page. One of the swanky new features that this player includes is a built-in chatroom.

Please let us know what you think!

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