Terminator Salvation trailer #2

Hot stuff coming through! Watch out! For all you nay sayers out there, watch the new Terminator trailer and let me know if you still think the film is going to suck. If there is one thing that we can confirm, this film is going to be action packed.

I don’t really like Bale’s voice, it’s not John Connor – it’s Batman… Hopefully you’ll be able to understand what he’s saying in his monotonous whisper voice.

What are your thoughts?

Ghostbusters The Video Game – Please God Don’t Let This Game Suck

Every now and then there is a video game trailer that brings a glimmer of hope. Usually soon after, this hope gets crushed. For instance, when the Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts teaser trailer was released fanboys went wild. A couple months later, Rare shot them in the foot announcing it was a vehicular title rather than a simple platform.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game definitely falls into this category. On paper it seems fantastic. In final form, it usually is a stinker. When Vivendi merged with Activision and Activision dropped the title from its publishing lineup, a red flag warning went up. This title might not be so good.

I am grateful that Atari is planning on publishing this game. It would have been a shame to see all this time and effort by the original actors go to waste. From the new trailer [see below] it appears that at least the cutscenes will live up to the film’s comedic and fun adventure qualities.

Please Atari, take all the time and money that you need to make this title AAA.

PS – Please find a new announcer. The voice actor in this trailer kind of sucks.

Star Trek XI trailer kicks some major ASS

Even if you’re not a fan of the previous Star Trek films or TV shows, you will agree that this new trailer shows that the film has potential. You simply cannot argue against a trailer that simply shows tons of amazing looking action sequences and sleek set designs. For the moment Star Trek XI looks kick-ass!

Now your opinion may change once we get more in-depth story and character driven trailers out the door in the coming months, but for now pay $10 to see the 007: Quantum of Solace and you’ll see the preview for Star Trek.

In two days the trailer can be seen on the internet in high definition – but if you’re a geek leave your computer behind and check it out on the big screen ASAP! It’ll blow you away!

A little neat factoid, Alex Blume and I were in the hanger bay scene with all the other red coats. Yeah we’re trek extras. It was awesome.

Dragon Ball teaser trailer now online and the world cries

Watch this teaser trailer and tell me that this film isn’t the lowest budget piece of crap that you’ve ever seen! This is what happens when anime takes itself way too seriously. Yawn.

Sure this is just a teaser trailer, it is possible that they’re saving the best for last, but damn this was dull.

Dragon Ball Movie Footage

After months of anticipation, you can now slightly see what the first trailer for the Dragon Ball Movie will look like! It honestly looks like a high budget kungfu movie, which isn’t such a bad thing. ‘The Internetz’ have been saying that this trailer will be packed in with Max Payne.

3 New DeathSpank Teaser Trailers; Thong of Justice


DeathSpank. You may not have heard of it, but I have my eyes, ears and private parts on this one. The reason is that this the brainchild of Ron Gilbert, the legendary warrior-game designer who created the Monkey Island series and can today be seen grumbling and annoying people at his personal blag, Grumpy Gamer.

Yes, so what’s so great about DeathSpank, you ask? The answer would be Gilbert’s description of the game: “Monkey Island meets Diablo”. That is indeed a diabolic statement, but coming from Gilbert’s mouth, they could either be dead serious or dead sarcastic. Or both. Hmm.

Anyways, we’ve just got a bunch of teaser trailers to DeathSpank floating around the sea of YouTube that we’d like to show you. Each weighs in around a minute, the first showing off some stylish action that has just enough gore to mock Tim Schafer’s Brütal Legend.

The second and third show off some items and gear from the game that will most probably assist DeathSpank in whatever heroic act he is in at the moment. Of course, the most remarkable of these would be the spacious and ballsy Thong of Justice. We’ll just leave you at that.

To save you from some browser slowdown, we’ve put the other two videos after the jump, so continue reading!

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