Watch this teaser trailer and tell me that this film isn’t the lowest budget piece of crap that you’ve ever seen! This is what happens when anime takes itself way too seriously. Yawn.
Sure this is just a teaser trailer, it is possible that they’re saving the best for last, but damn this was dull.
I think the fact some don’t like the trailer is everyone now assumes that film tie-in’s are made for adults only. If you take the audience that liked the Dragonball franchise’s other products as young children then it doesn’t matter if the movie isn’t as dark as Batman Begins or uses the best CGI. After all, how many men would say that the Sex and the City movie is the worst thing in the world and yet since it isn’t aimed at them/us then it’s our own fault for viewing it. Dragonball is for kids, they will most likely love it, and it’s really hard to make any kids movie these days without being a Pixar CGI production.
True, but the one thing that expands a kids movie from being enjoyed by others, is the story and dialog. I don’t think it’ll succeed in either of those departments.