Because there clearly wasn’t enough competition in the music games market.
Continue reading “Square Enix Trademarks “Voice Fantasy”; No, Really”
Exploring Stuff That Makes Life Great
Because there clearly wasn’t enough competition in the music games market.
Continue reading “Square Enix Trademarks “Voice Fantasy”; No, Really”
Somebody get those drums, we need a roll for this.
Continue reading “Deus Ex 3’s Official Title Trademarked by Square Enix?”
Is it one of the games to be announced at this year’s Spike TV Video Game Awards?
Continue reading “LucasArts Files Trademark For “Star Wars: Legends””
Based on Jack the Ripper? Or about somebody who rips things up in general?
Continue reading “EA Trademarks Visceral’s Next Game: The Ripper”
Jeff Gerstmann unavailable for comment.
Continue reading “Kane & Lynch 2 To Be Titled “Dog Days””
LucasFilm filed a trademark for ‘video game software’ under the name ‘Lucidity’. Wait, what’s cookin’ here?
Continue reading “LucasFilm Trademarks Video Game Titled ‘Lucidity’”