Christian Bale Rant

Christian Bale American Psycho

Ever since we heard Christian Bale was attached to Terminator 4, we knew the film had some major potential. Regretably Bale had a ‘small’ incident while filming that has leaked out onto the internet. Continue reading “Christian Bale Rant”

Batman: Arkham Asylum Official Trailer – Better than The Dark Knight?

Batman: Arkham Asylum

If you thought the idea behind Batman: Arkham Asylum was cool, this trailer proves it. Continue reading “Batman: Arkham Asylum Official Trailer – Better than The Dark Knight?”

Smallville Season 8 better than Seasons 4-7 craphole?

Lex isn't on the show anymore. D'oh!
Lex isn't on the show anymore. D'oh!

For years now I have complained about Smallville being one of the stupidest shows on TV. It’s a show that had so much potential back in the day, but somewhere around Season 3 to 4, they really screwed up.

While the show can only dig its grave further a new trailer for the next wave of Season 8 episodes actually looks like the producers now how to make a show with a story. Continue reading “Smallville Season 8 better than Seasons 4-7 craphole?”

Xbox 360 Review: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Midway has been tweaking the Mortal Kombat franchise since day 1. With that the series has had its good times and its bad times. With its latest game, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Midway has succeeded in taking the right step. Continue reading “Xbox 360 Review: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe”

It’s Time to Get Looney with Bugs Bunny and the Gang!

The Looney Tunes Spotlight Collection
Warner Bros.
Starring the Voice Talents of Mel Blanc
Not Rated (so the kids can watch this set)
Running Time = 203 minutes (a little over 3 hours of cartoons on two DVDs)

Okay, if you don’t like Looney Tunes, raise your hand? Is your hand up? Is it? Then take your hand and Continue reading “It’s Time to Get Looney with Bugs Bunny and the Gang!”