id begins work on Doom 4, wants talented people like you

Doom Movie Logo

It’s that time of the decade again, when id rolls in and starts making announcements and advancements here and there. The video game veteran developer and virtually the founder of the FPS genre, id has announced that they are beginning work on Doom 4!

Currently they haven’t divulged any details other than it will continue the Doom Universe and the battle vs. evil, blah blah blah. But more importantly, id is hiring! id has announced that they are looking for talented individuals to join their uber-team to save the world from crappy video games! Hit the jump for some more stuff on this.

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New Prince of Persia coming, possibly titled ‘Prodigy’

Prince of Persia Concept Art

Rejoice, action-adventure fans! Ubisoft has released a press release saying that a new Prince of Persia game is in the works and will be ready by this year’s Holiday season, i.e. Holiday season 2008!

Ubisoft has also teased us with some more details, for which you’ll have to hit the jump. It’ll be worth it. 😉

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Spielberg to remake Live-Action 3D Ghost in the Shell Remake

Ghost in the Shell screenshot

In my “Favourite Movies” list, I always dutifully add “Ghost in the Shell”, because it is that good a movie. It is also the prime example I give to the sort of people to judge animation movies incapable to telling serious, intelligent stories. Ghost in the Shell is a work of art, a cinematic masterpiece, no less.

And it’s going to be remade, by Spielberg’s very own Dreamworks. Hit the jump to find out what the hell.
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Interplay returns; brings Fallout MMO

Interplay Logo

Anybody who has lived and played video games before 2000 will have heard of Interplay, and with good reason – they were the makers of some of some of the most awesome games in video game history, with Fallout, the Descent games, the MDK games and many more cool titles.

However, encountering financial troubles, Interplay crashed into an unknown abyss, never to be seen again. Last December, Interplay announces their return – which they will finance from the money they got by selling the Fallout IP to Bethesda.

Interplay has released details now, and their plans appear ambitious enough to have them at the forefront of the industry again! Interplay will be working on a Fallout MMO (that’s right), sequels to Descent, Earthworm Jim, Dark Alliance and MDK!

For a bit more, hit the jump!

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Intel’s “Larrabee” is a mutant CPU/GPU hybrid of doom

Larrabee details

Even though it was Intel’s 6-core monster that got all the attention, one little gem that missed out on the publicity a bit was Larrabee, Intel’s CPU-GPU hybrid or essentially a graphic card processor, or a processor graphic card, or something along those lines.

To find out more about this demonic hybrid, hit the jump!

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Epic Unreal now on Valve’s Steam

CliffyB on Steam

While the headline may sound like slang for some dope, we can assure you that no such thing is solicited here at StuffWeLike. Actually, by the headline we refer to Epic Games, the makers of the legendary Unreal series and Gears of War, who have now collaborated with Valve to release their games via Steam.

Let off some steam by hitting the jump, and more puns!

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