Hulu Going Public

Finally the awesome Hulu video power house is going public! Previously in a private beta for months, the high quality video ad supported site is going public on March 12. It has some new partners to add to its content provider list as well including Warner Bros and Lionsgate!

I’ve been using Hulu for some time now and it’s absolutely fantastic. Sure it’s a pain the ears when the commercials come on blaring at 5 decibels louder than the actual show, but besides that the service has been great. Hopefully their servers won’t be destroyed when the public breaks in!

NBC Videos Get a new player, it’s not Hulu

NBC has updated its video site with a brand-new player. These videos differ from it’s website as they are news oriented rather than fictitious shows.

Apparently NBC has truly learned how to go web 2.0! It’s allow third party websites to be able to embed their videos onto their own pages. Ok that’s not really an original idea or that exciting, but the player itself is responsive and the video quality is great. Of course there are ads and there is no way for video embedders to earn a percent off of the views they bring to these clips.

NBC definitely has the content that people want to watch, but if they could build a network like the AP’s The News Room – bloggers would be all over this service. If a website is bringing in viewers to your content, they should receive some sort of credit for doing so. The future for online video is going to be perfect for both content producers and syndicators, if syndicators are able to receive royalties for bringing views to ad supported videos created by the content producer.

We here at StuffWeLike will at some point have this capability for our media player The Pipeline so it’ll be interesting to see how that affects the usage of it.

Hulu Joins Myspace


Primetime on MyspaceTV is the new hot website for the best in network media entertainment. NBC, FOX, and many more have teamed up to provide content that you can find on the Tube at high quality and for free! Would you rather buy a show off iTunes or would you watch one with limited commercial interruption? I choose free.

Since is owned by the FOX Corporation, all the content on Hulu is now being transfered over to If Hulu is the destination for the high quality content, officially titled Primetime on MyspaceTV is now the interactive portion for that content.

Hulu will soon be changing the face of the internet with high definition shows being streamed to your computers sometime in 2008. As of right now their HD content solely consists of movie trailers.

#1 Video of 2007

The polls are now open. Click here to vote!


2007 saw a variety of videos reach massive success. StuffWeLike has narrowed down the millions of videos to only a handful! The official poll will be coming later today, so for now enjoy and watch some of the best viral videos of 2007.

Leave Britney Alone!
The Landlord
Miss South Carolina Teen USA
Hillary 1984
Prison Inmates’ “Thriller” Video
University of Florida student Tasered at Kerry forum
Drama Prairie Dog
Battle at Kruger
Prank David
“Chocolate Rain” Original Song by Tay Zonday
Paul sings Nessun Dorma high quality video/sound
Dick in a Box