If you thought The Avengers Super Bowl trailer was good, check out this latest trailer from THE AVENGERS!!! Continue reading “The Avengers Trailer”
Tag: Avengers
New Comic Books For 1/18/12
Buzz Worthy Books!
Avenging Spider-Man #3 (Marvel Comics)
The Wells/MAD duo’s adventure into big action shots and bigger bad guys rolls along in this issue. While the last two issues have felt brisk I am still slightly entertained by the back and forth dialog between Red Hulk (Rulk) and Spidey. This book feels like the “go big or go home” I used to read when I was only in the single didgets age-wise. Continue reading “New Comic Books For 1/18/12”
New Comic Books For 1/11/12
Are you bored by all of the GOP news? Have no fear! Tomorrow is a new comics Wednesday! The week features a lot of new beginnings as well as some endings, but all in all the week is pretty decent with a number of releases sure to keep you busy into next week.
Buzz Worthy Books!
Avengers 1959 #5 of 5 (Marvel Comics)
The forgotten tale of Nick Fury’s original Avengers team comes to a close as the team confronts ICON. I can’t tell if this is a throw-away story or if the are looking to build something off of it but either way it has been pretty decent all the way through.
Batwoman #5 (DC Comics)
Super-pale Batwoman’s sidekick just kind of gave up her identity to the fuzz in the last issue. Sure, it was on her deathbed but that can’t be good for Batman and all of his other peoples. i dont know what the big deal is. Anyone with two eyes who has ever seen Batwoman once knows that the only other paper-white redhead in Gotham HAS to be her. I really keep giving this story chances since the story is appealing and the art is fun and inventive but her color just kills it for me issue after issue.
Black Panther The Most Dangerous Man Alive #528 (Marvel Comics)
This being the second to last issue of the series, I am kind of sad to see it going. The Black Panther is making his stand against The Kingpin with all sorts of ninjas in the way.
Brilliant #2 (Marvel Comics)
Another Bendis brain-child, this series brings forth a group of smarty pants who use science to make super powers real. It is a good read and Bagley’s art is as consistently fun as it has always been.
Carnage U.S.A. #2 of 5 (Marvel Comics)
Building off the success of the last Carnage mini-series, Marvel has really gone all out for this once prime 90’s character. Last issue he has infected an entire town as well as a few superheroes with his alien suit, now somehow Spider-Man needs to save the day. Yeah, but the art is good at least.
DC Universe Online Legends #21 (DC Comics)
For a book based on an MMO game this is a really damn good story, and is also the ONLY place where you can still see old-style DC Universe characters. The last issue left Batman about to poison all sorts of Aliens because they threaten Earth and the only person to stop him is… Batman? Time-travel!
Grifter #5 (DC Comics)
This is kind of a sleeper book but I tossed it onto this list because of the upcoming DC event featuring the mysterious Daemonites entities battling against the likes of Superman. Grifter is a good series if you are a fan of fugitive stories and with the Daemonites set to make a big splash this is a book that could help you see the origins and prepare for the story.
Incredible Hulk #4 (Marvel Comics)
If you have not been following this series then you seriously have to question your life. So the Hulk and Bruce Banner are now two individuals (again!) but this time Banner really misses Hulk so he is trying to recreate him! With a seemingly endless series of various animals that he transformed, as well as the crazy brain tumor he now has, I want to say this dude has snapped and is now a menace to the world that only the Hulk himself can beat down. Must buy of the week!
Journey Into Mystery #633 (Marvel Comics)
Starting yet another Loki centric story post-Fear Itself, Gillen seems to be making his intentions of where he is bringing both the readers and the character. I did not think I would enjoy this series as much as I do and while some parts are a bit dull it is over-all getting better as all the pieces start to come together.
New Avengers #20 (Marvel Comics)
Avengers are fighting against Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers again as the smallest major Avengers event in 2012 continues along. This issue feels like it will be more or less the same as the last one as we build closer to the finale but although this could be a filler issue clearing out the weeds, it is still important to the important events I predict fo the next issue.
Scarlet Spider #1 (Marvel Comics)
Finding himself to be a hero in a new city that might not want him, the Peter Parker clone must find his own path in this post Spider-Island landscape. I think the main appeal of this new book is the 90’s nostalgia that comes to Spider fans who hear “Scarlet Spider”. While it is Kaine and not the original ben Reilly clone under the mask I still expect big action and fun.
Star War: Knights Of The Old Republic War #1 (Dark Horse Productions)
Just because I do not have a PC does not mean that I cannot find a way to enjoy KOTOR in one form or another. Running alongside the story laid in the game, this comic is designed to be enjoyable to non-players as well as providing a little something extra to those who are looking to get more out of the game’s world and setting. The heavy gamer appeal should hopefully translate to success for Dark Horse.
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (IDW Publishing)
Taking place millions of years in the future, this new squad of Autobots are on the search for hope somewhere in the galaxy that they can call a home after the (re)destruction of Cybertron. Having deeply enjoyed the last run of IDW’s Transformers series that cultivated in Optimus Prime’s end I can fully endorse this book as we see what a post-war and dare I say post-human universe has to share with the robots.
Wolverine #300 (Marvel Comics)
Wolverine is headed to Japan, and no, a stack of caskets does not equal a proper pod hotel. I kid! Wolverine is a good book and I am happy to see Aaron moving away from the depressing Logan and more towards the action that we got back in the Frank Miller days.
X-Men Legacy #260.1 (Marvel Comics)
A new beginning for the book’s cast as Rogue and her posse set up stakes at Wolverine’s Westchester school in their new roles as teachers. As the most underhyped X-Book, I really hope that this series can lure in more fans as we continue to see one of the only appearances that Rogue, Gambit, and Rachel Summers make out of ALL the other X-titles.
Here is a full list of this week’s new releases.
All-New Batman The Brave And The Bold #15
Animal Man #1 (Travel Foreman 4th Printing Variant Cover)
Batgirl #5
Batman And Robin #5
Batwoman #5 (J.H. Williams III Regular Cover)
Batwoman #5 (J.H. Williams III Variant Cover)
Cartoon Network Action Pack #66
DC Universe Online Legends #21
Deathstroke #5
Demon Knights #5
Frankenstein Agent Of S.H.A.D.E. #5
Green Lantern #5 (Doug Mahnke Regular Cover)
Green Lantern #5 (Doug Mahnke Black & White Variant Cover)
Green Lantern #5 (Mike Choi Variant Cover)
Grifter #5
Legion Lost #5
Mister Terrific #5
My Greatest Adventure #4 (of 6)
Ray #2 (of 4)
Resurrection Man #5
Shade #4 (of 12) (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover)
Shade #4 (of 12) (Tony Harris Regular Cover)
Suicide Squad #5
Superboy #5
Northlanders #47
Scalped #55
Unwritten #33
Amazing Spider-Man #677 (Humberto Ramos Regular Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #677 (Lee Bermejo Variant Cover)
Avengers 1959 #5 (of 5)
Battle Scars #3 (of 6)
Black Panther The Most Dangerous Man Alive #528
Brilliant #2 (David Mack Variant Cover)
Brilliant #2 (Mark Bagley Regular Cover)
Brilliant #2 (Michael Avon Oeming Variant Cover)
Captain America #7 (Alan Davis Regular Cover)
Captain America #7 (Mike Perkins Venom Variant Cover)
Carnage U.S.A. #2 (of 5)
Daken Dark Wolverine #19
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Way Station #2 (of 5)
Deadpool #49
Formic Wars Silent Strike #2 (of 5)
Ghost Rider Cycle Of Vengeance #1 (One Shot)
Incredible Hulk #4 (Leinil Francis Yu Regular Cover)
Incredible Hulk #4 (Mike Del Mundo Venom Variant Cover)
Journey Into Mystery #633 (Stephanie Hans Regular Cover)
Journey Into Mystery #633 (TBA Venom Variant Cover)
Magneto Not A Hero #3 (of 5)
New Avengers #20 (Mike Deodato Regular Cover)
New Avengers #20 (TBA Venom Variant Cover)
Northanger Abbey #3 (of 5)
PunisherMAX #21
Scarlet Spider #1 (Blank Variant Cover)
Scarlet Spider #1 (Mark Bagley Variant Cover)
Scarlet Spider #1 (Ryan Stegman Regular Cover)
Scarlet Spider #1 (Ryan Stegman Variant Cover)
Scarlet Spider #1 (TBA Venom Variant Cover)
Secret Avengers #21 (John Cassaday Regular Cover)
Secret Avengers #21 (Khoi Pham Venom Variant Cover)
Stand The Night Has Come #6 (of 6)
Super Heroes #22 (Marvel Adventures)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #6
Wolverine #300 (Adam Kubert Regular Cover)
Wolverine #300 (Blank Variant Cover)
Wolverine #300 (Geof Darrow Wraparound Variant Cover)
Wolverine #300 (Jim Cheung Variant Cover)
Wolverine And The X-Men #4 (Mark Brooks Venom Variant Cover)
Wolverine And The X-Men #4 (Regular Cover)
X-Factor #230 (David Yardin Regular Cover)
X-Factor #230 (Nick Bradshaw Variant Cover)
X-Men Legacy #260.1
7 Warriors #3 (of 3)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Volume 2 TP
Operation Broken Wings 1936 #3 (of 3)
Roger Langridge’s Snarked #4
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 #5 (Georges Jeanty Variant Cover)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 #5 (Steve Morris Regular Cover)
Dark Matter #1 (of 4)
Kull The Cat And The Skull #4 (of 4)
Lobster Johnson The Burning Hand #1 (Dave Johnson Regular Cover)
Lobster Johnson The Burning Hand #1 (Mike Mignola Variant Cover)
Occultist #3 (of 3)
Orchid #4
PC Cast’s House Of Night #3 (of 5)
Star War Knights Of The Old Republic War #1 (of 5) (Benjamin Carre Regular Cover)
Star War Knights Of The Old Republic War #1 (of 5) (Dave Wilkins Variant Cover)
Star Wars Agent Of The Empire Iron Eclipse #2 (of 5)
Strain #2 (of 12)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #1 (Dynamic Forces) (Alex Ross Exclusive Virgin Cover)
Vampirella #1 (1969 Commemorative Gold Foil Edition)
Vampirella #12 (Dynamic Forces) (Paul Renaud Virgin Exclusive Cover)
Vampirella Annual #1 (Dynamic Forces) (Lucio Parrillo Exclusive Red Cover)
Warlord Of Mars #13 (2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn HC
Archie Best Of Dan Decarlo Volume 3 HC
Brooklyn Dreams HC
Cobra Annual 2012 The Origin Of Cobra Commander (Cover A Menton J. Matthews III)
Cobra Annual 2012 The Origin Of Cobra Commander (Cover B Robert Atkins)
Cobra Annual 2012 The Origin Of Cobra Commander (Robert Atkins Model Sheet Turnaround Variant Cover)
Doctor Who #13 (Cover A Mark Buckingham)
Doctor Who #13 (Cover B Photo)
Doctor Who #13 (Matthew Dow Smith Variant Cover)
Dungeons And Dragons 100-Page Spectacular
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #174 (Cover A Herb Trimpe)
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #174 (Cover B S. L. Gallant)
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #174 (Larry Hama Sketch Variant Cover)
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror #4 (of 4) (Menton J. Matthews III Regular Cover)
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror #4 (of 4) (Nick Percival Variant Cover)
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror #4 (of 4) (The Hound Prose Chapbook)
Snake Eyes #9 (Cover A Dave Wilkins)
Snake Eyes #9 (Cover B Robert Atkins)
Snake Eyes #9 (Nick Runge Variant Cover)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Alex Milne Wraparound Variant Cover)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Cover A Alex Milne)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Cover B Alex Milne)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Cover C Alex Milne)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Cover D Alex Milne)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Cover E Nick Roche)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #1 (Josh Burcham Decepticon Sketch Variant Cover)
Activity #2
Avengelyne #6 (Cover A Rob Liefeld)
Avengelyne #6 (Cover B Owen Gieni)
Avengelyne #6 (Cover C Riley Rossmo)
Darkness #97 (Cover A Jeremy Haun)
Deadlands Black Water (One Shot) (was ‘Deadlands Hopeless Roads’)
Epoch #1 (of 5) (Paolo Pantalena SDCC 2011 Exclusive Variant Cover)
Heart #3 (of 4)
Invincible #87
Last Of The Greats #4 (Cover A Brent Peeples)
Last Of The Greats #4 (Cover B Jenny Frison)
Moriarty #8
Pigs #5
Reed Gunther #7
Severed #6 (of 7)
Spawn #215
Strange Talent Of Luther Strode #4 (of 6)
Whispers #1
Witchblade #146 (Kalman Andrasofszky SDCC 2011 Exclusive Variant Cover)
215 INK
Fall GN
Wingman GN
Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Volume 1 Creation Myths HC
Spera Volume 1 HC
Archie Double Digest #225
Mega Man #9 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover)
Mega Man #9 (Patrick Spaziante Sketch Variant Cover)
Fantastic Life GN
Logan’s Run Aftermath #4 (resolicited)
Mis-Adventures Of Adam West #2 (of 4)
Mis-Adventures Of Adam West #3 (of 4)
Political Power #17 (Jon Stewart)
Steve Jobs Co-Founder Of Apple (One Shot)
Neil GN
Comic Shop News #1282
Frank Frazetta The Living Legend SC
SFX #217 (February 2012)
Freaky Monsters Magazine #7
Before The Incal Classic Collection HC (Deluxe Edition)
Zen Of Steve Jobs GN
Lords Of Death And Life GN
Doctor Who Magazine #442
Disney Fairies Volume 7 Tinker Bell The Perfect Fairy GN
Smurfs Volume 10 The Return Of Smurfette SC
Phazer #1 (Jim Steranko Regular Cover)
Phazer #1 (Jim Steranko Signed Incentive Cover)
Archvillain Volume 2 Mad Mask HC
Star Wars The Phantom Menace 3D Storybook SC
Amazing Agent Jennifer Volume 2 GN
Dance In The Vampire Bund Volume 11 GN
Burke And Hare GN
Brickjournal #17
Stan Lee And Jack Kirby The Wonder Years SC
Hand Of Fire The Comics Art Of Jack Kirby SC
New Comic Books For 1/4/12
Welcome to the first comics Wednesday of the new year! I am very excited about what 2012 has to offer from the comic industry, from the X-Men vs Avengers over at Marvel to the bold new directions IDW is taking with Transformers and G.I. Joe. This week we get just a little taste of what they year will look like as the publishers lay out their groundwork leading up to the bigger events in the coming months!
Buzz Worthy Books!
Action Comics #5 (DC Comics)
In this issue we see the New 52 origin of Superman, well, the Krypton parts at least. I would be more excited if I didn’t just see the release of Superman: Secret Origin only a few months ago. Still worth a look though to see if Morrison craps all over what Johns had recently written.
Avengers Annual #1 (One Shot) (Marvel Comics)
This is the second part of a three part story that started forever ago with Wonder Man and his Revengers team causing damage. Despite the vague memory of what has transpired in the last issue this should still be good.
Avengers: X-Sanction #2 (Marvel Comics)
This series leads right into the upcoming X-Men vs Avengers event so be sure to pick this up! We left off with Cable on a mission to stop the Avengers from keeping Hope from saving the world and he has schooled Captain America with his sights on Iron Man next!
Batwing #5 (DC Comics)
In the last few issues Batwing has been getting his handed to him by Massacre. After almost all of the heros in Africa are killed by this guy, Batwing decides to call in the big guns: BATMAN!
Boys #62 (Dynamite Entertainment)
First off, that cover is nasty. Look at it carefully and see if you can see it. Second, this book is hitting a new round of awesomeness in my opinion and the final battle is almost here! As long as The Homelander gets his I’ll be happy.
Detective Comics #5 (DC Comics)
Someone is killing people and Batman blames The Penguin. But will his emotions get the best of him when he finds out that his girlfriend is on the list? Thats all well and fine, but I want to see more about The Joker and his missing face!
G.I. JOE #9 (IDW Publishing)
The search for the new Cobra Commander is over, now begins the epic crossover titled “Cobra Command”. IDW has quickly turned yet another franchise that I had zero interest about into a title I am 100% behind. I am going to make a bold prediction and call the entire G.I. Joe Line SERIES OF THE YEAR.
Penguin: Pain And Prejudice #4 (of 5) (DC Comics)
A series focusing on the life of the Batman villain and all of his criminal activity, this series made me look at a once laughable character in an entirely new, sinister light. I cannot recommend this series enough to both long time fans and new ones looking for something interesting to read.
Punisher #7 (Marvel Comics)
It’s a Punisher vs Daredevil brawl in the latest chapter of Rucka’s run on this book. It has been an interesting series so far and the injuries Frank has taken are, for me, the most interesting part. Just check out that eye patch! What’s that all about? Buy this and find out!
Robocop: Road Trip #1 (Dynamite Entertainment)
Rob Williams is where it is at in terms of Robocop. I fell in love with his Robocop vs Terminator series last year and because of that I am diving into this series with all of the enthusiasm that I can muster. This brand new series is not a continuation from that book so it is new reader friendly as we get to explore the main character’s world outside of the OCP dominated Detroit.
Uncanny X-Force #19.1 (Marvel Comics)
“This is the dawning of the Age of Apocalypse, the Age of Apocalyyyyypppsssseee” okay, enough with the Hair lyrics. This new Point One story was briefly touched on in the Point One One-Shot a couple of months back and sets as a launch issue for the new Age of Apocalypse series coming soon from Marvel set in the popular alternate reality.
Uncanny X-Men #4 (Marvel Comics)
I am all about team Cyclops when it comes to my X-Men, so I am looking forward to the new arc in the flagship Uncanny book. The alien race called The Phallanx are back and they automatically start a fight. Why does it always end like that for these guys?
Here is a complete list of what is due out this week.
Action Comics #5 (Andy Kubert & Joe Prado Regular Cover)
Action Comics #5 (Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover)
Action Comics #5 (Combo Pack Edition)
Action Comics #5 (Rags Morales Variant Cover)
Animal Man #5
Batwing #5
DC Comics Presents The Dark #1 (was ‘DC Comics Presents The New 52’)
Detective Comics #5 (Tony S. Daniel Regular Cover)
Detective Comics #5 (Tony S. Daniel Variant Cover)
Green Arrow #5
Hawk And Dove #5
Huntress #4 (of 6)
Justice League #1 (Jim Lee & Scott Williams 5th Printing Variant Cover)
Justice League International #5
Men Of War #5
O.M.A.C. #5
Penguin Pain And Prejudice #4 (of 5)
Red Lanterns #5
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #17
Static Shock #5
Stormwatch #5 (Miguel Sepulveda Regular Cover)
Stormwatch #5 (Miguel Sepulveda Variant Cover)
Supernatural #4 (of 6)
Swamp Thing #5 (Yanick Paquette Regular Cover)
Swamp Thing #5 (Yanick Paquette Variant Cover)
I Zombie #21
Sweet Tooth #29 (Jeff Lemire Regular Cover)
Sweet Tooth #29 (Travel Foreman Variant Cover)
Avengers Academy #24
Avengers Annual #1 (One Shot)
Avengers X-Sanction #2 (of 4) (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover)
Avengers X-Sanction #2 (of 4) (Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover)
Avengers X-Sanction #2 (of 4) (Stephen Platt Variant Cover)
Defenders #2 (Chris Stevens Venom Variant Cover)
Defenders #2 (I Am A Defender Variant Cover)
Defenders #2 (Mark Bagley Variant Cover)
Defenders #2 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover)
Fear Itself The Fearless #6 (of 12)
Hulk #47
Punisher #7
Strikeforce Morituri We Who Are About To Die #1 (One Shot)
Thor The Deviants Saga #3 (of 5)
Thunderbolts #168
Uncanny X-Force #18 (Jerome Opena 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Uncanny X-Force #19.1
Uncanny X-Men #4
Villains For Hire #2 (of 4)
Wolverine And The X-Men Alpha And Omega #1 (of 5)
X-23 #20 (Kalman Andrasofszky Regular Cover) (Final Issue)
X-Club #2 (of 5)
X-Men #23 (Adi Granov Regular Cover)
X-Men #23 (John Tyler Christopher Venom Variant Cover)
Ferals #1 (Gabriel Andrade Regular Cover)
Ferals #1 (Gabriel Andrade Gore Cover)
Ferals #1 (Gabriel Andrade Wrapround Cover)
Ferals #1 (Gabriel Andrade Slashed Variant Cover)
Lady Death #13 (Gabriel Andrade Regular Cover)
Lady Death #13 (Richard Ortiz Wrapround Cover)
Lady Death #13 (Michael Dipascale Art Deco Variant Cover)
Betrayal Of The Planet Of The Apes #3 (of 4) (Cover A Gabriel Hardman)
Betrayal Of The Planet Of The Apes #3 (of 4) (Cover B Declan Shalvey)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #9 (Cover A)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #9 (Cover B)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #9 (Cover C Nick Percival)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Masterpieces #5
Elric The Balance Lost #7 (Cover A Francesco Mattina)
Elric The Balance Lost #7 (Cover B Jonboy Meyers)
Elric The Balance Lost #7 (Cover C Francesco Mattina)
Irredeemable #33 (Cover A Kalman Andrasofszky)
Irredeemable #33 (Cover B Dan Panosian)
Peanuts #1 (of 4) (Charles Schultz First Appearance Of Charlie Brown Variant Cover)
Peanuts #1 (of 4) (Charles Schultz Regular Cover)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover A Liam Sharp)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover B Ale Garza)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover C Matteo Scalera)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover D Liam Sharp Negative Cover)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover E Ale Garza Sketch Cover)
Valen The Outcast #2 (Cover H Joe Jusko CGG 9.8 Virgin Variant Cover)
Brody’s Ghost (One Shot)
Goon #37 (Eric Powell Regular Cover)
Goon #37 (Eric Powell Variant Cover)
Boys #62
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Alex Ross Regular Cover)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Francesco Francavilla Variant Cover)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Paul Renaud Black & White Variant Cover)
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #2 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover)
Living Corpse Exhumed #5 (of 6) (Ken Haeser & Buz Hasson Regular Cover)
Living Corpse Exhumed #5 (of 6) (Mark Kidwell Regular Cover)
Lone Ranger #1 (Alex Ross Blue Variant Cover)
Lone Ranger #1 (Alex Ross Negative Art Variant Cover)
Lone Ranger #1 (Alex Ross Regular Cover)
Lone Ranger #1 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover)
Lone Ranger #1 (Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover)
Nowhere Man #1 (of 4) (Jeevan J. Kang Regular Cover)
Robocop Road Trip #1 (Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover)
Robocop Road Trip #1 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover)
Vampirella Vs Dracula #1 (of 6) (Joseph Michael Linsner Negative Variant Cover)
Vampirella Vs Dracula #1 (of 6) (Joseph Michael Linsner Regular Cover)
Vampirella Vs Dracula #1 (of 6) (Joseph Michael Linsner Sketch Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #9 (Ale Garza Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #9 (Ale Garza Risque Art Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #9 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #9 (Paul Renaud Martian Red Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #9 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover)
Zorro Rides Again #7 (of 12)
Cold War #4 (John Byrne Regular Cover)
Cold War #4 (John Byrne Variant Cover)
G.I. JOE #9 (Cover A Dave Wilkins)
G.I. JOE #9 (Cover B Will Rosado)
G.I. JOE #9 (Nick Runge Variant Cover)
Godzilla Legends #3 (of 5) (Arthur Adams Black & White Variant Cover)
Godzilla Legends #3 (of 5) (Cover A Arthur Adams)
Godzilla Legends #3 (of 5) (Cover B Bob Eggleton)
Jurassic Park Dangerous Games #5 (of 5) (Jeff Zornow Black & White Variant Cover)
Jurassic Park Dangerous Games #5 (of 5) (Jeff Zornow Regular Cover)
Star Trek Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 (of 6) (Cover A Chris Sprouse)
Star Trek Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 (of 6) (Cover B Phil Jimenez)
Star Trek Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 (of 6) (Gabriel Rodriguez Variant Cover)
True Blood The French Quarter #5 (of 6) (Cover A Joe Corroney)
True Blood The French Quarter #5 (of 6) (Cover B David Messina)
True Blood The French Quarter #5 (of 6) (Joe Corroney Sketch Variant Cover)
True Blood The French Quarter #5 (of 6) (Photo Variant Cover)
Artifacts #13 (Cover A Dale Keown)
Artifacts #13 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher)
Artifacts #13 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher)
Artifacts #13 (Dale Keown Sketch Variant Cover)
Artifacts #13 (Comics Pro Variant Cover)
Blood Red Dragon #3
Fatale #1 (Cover A Sean Phillips Beauty Cover)
Fatale #1 (Cover B Sean Phillips Beast Cover)
Graveyard Of Empires #3 (of 4)
Li’l Depressed Boy #8
Mudman #2
Shinku #4
Super Dinosaur #7
Vescell #5
Witchblade #151 (Cover A John Tyler Christopher)
Witchblade #151 (Cover B Dennis Calero)
Witchblade #151 (Cover C J. Scott Campbell)
Witchblade #151 (Foil Stamped & Signed Collector’s Edition)
215 INK
Fall GN
Price (One Shot)
Rachel Rising #4
Gold Digger #134
Gold Digger Holidays Special #1
Cyclops #8
Black Fire HC
Billy Fog The Gift Of Trouble-Sight HC
Dare Detectives The Snow Pea Plot HC (Collected Edition)
Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Volume 1 Creation Myths HC
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #197
Life With Archie #16
Atlas Unified #1 (Cover A Grim Ghost)
Atlas Unified #1 (Cover B Phoenix)
Atlas Unified #1 (Cover C Wulf)
Atlas Unified #1 (Cover D Wraparound)
Scourge #6 (Cover A Eric Battle)
Scourge #6 (Cover B Ale Garza)
Scourge #6 (Infected Variant Cover)
Soulfire Volume 3 #6 (Cover A Jason Fabok)
Soulfire Volume 3 #6 (Cover B Micah Gunnell)
Comic Shop News #1281
Wandering Son Volume 2 HC
Terminally Illin #1
Raising Amy GN
Superfun Adventures Of Jax GN
Vampire PA Pittsburgh Noir HC
Inner Sanctum GN
Doctor Who Insider #9 (January 2012)
Doctor Who Magazine #442
Habibi GN (Limited Signed Bookplate Edition)
Metamaus A Look Inside A Modern Classic Maus HC
2000 AD #1763
2000 AD Prog 2012
Insurrection TP
Judge Dredd Megazine #318
Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 4 TP (Simon & Schuster Edition)
Star Wars Insider #130 (January 2012) (Special) (Previews Exclusive Edition)
Tank Girl Carioca #3 (of 3)
Alter Ego #106
Modern Masters Volume 27 Ron Garney SC
Charmed #17
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths And Legends #11 (Cover A Romano Molenaar)
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths And Legends #11 (Cover B Anthony Spay)
Salem’s Daughter Haunting #4 (Cover A Stjepan Sejic)
Salem’s Daughter Haunting #4 (Cover B Natali Sanders)
Theater #4 (Cover A Eric Basaldua)
Theater #4 (Cover B Angel Medina)
New Comic Releases for 11/23/2011
Happy Thanksgiving! Before we gather around the food with people I will dedicate my time to diving chin deep into the fictional world found in my books! This week is pretty diverse, with fewer than usual coming from the big two publishers and the amount of indies on the rise.
Mario’s Top Yen Picks of the Week!
STORY BY Robert Kirkman, ART BY Cory Walker
Last issue saw Invincible make a huge decision against Cecil’s wishes. What does Mark have in mind for the future of the world? Also, Omni-Man and Kid Omni-Man are featured in this issue for the first time really since the end of the war. How will the world react to these heroes after what they went through? Also, Corey Walker is back on art for this issue!
STORY BY Mark Waid, ART BY Marcio Takara
Max Damage had the showdown we have been waiting for when The Plutonian returned to Earth, but after a few secret words The Plutonian left. What did Max say? Is he truly reformed of does he have some crazy card up his leave in the form of a long con? If you have slept on this series please be sure to go back and read what has come. You will not be disappointed.
So Bucky is alive and is back to his Winter Soldier suit? In this flashback tale taking place in the 1950’s we will learn a little more about The Winter Soldier and his budding romance with The Black Widow.
STORY BY Jason Aaron, ART BY Chris Bachalo
The school is under attack and it isn’t even officially open yet! I wonder if the true villain of the series are insurance agents and how they have united to have The X-Men blacklisted from receiving coverage! The last issue was a little on the light side considering Aaron was writing but it is a nice change of pace for the bearded master of dark comics.
STORY BY Mark Millar, ART BY John Romita Jr.
So, last issue Red mist (I refuse to call him by his new name) and his crew committed an act of terrorism on a community, shot little kids in the face, and gang-raped a high school girl. This series isn’t as funny as it used to be but the drama just hit level ten. Also, Mark Millar should take some of these profits and hire a therapist before one gets court ordered to him.
STORY BY David Finch, ART BY David Finch, Scott Williams, Richard Friend
The White Rabbit is back with a juiced up Joker, but is she what she seems? And what’s the deal with The Joker? He must’ve really committed to The Situations workout video but got to caught up in the “Gym” that he forgot “Tan” and “Laundry” aspect of GTL. Seriously though, David Finch is bringing us a pretty good Batman tale.
STORY BY Jonathan Hickman, ART BY Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona
Hawkeye’s Asian adventure comes to an end and we have been hyped up to believe that this small four issue series holds the future for Ultimate marvel books to come. We’ll see, but at least we get to see some pretty cool usage of Jean grey and her X-Men.
Jonah Hex vs an evil cult! That’s all I need to say. Get it!
The big event is here! Now what is it? Marvel has been hyping this up with teases and big hints in the back issues. Annihilus is returning in a big way and this time the Annihilation Wave is starting right on Earth with the Baxter building as ground zero! And is the Human Torch really alive after all? Expect big action out of this issue and the following story parts.
STORY BY Tony Bedard, ART BY Tyler Kirkham, Harvey Tolibao, Batt
Kyle has arrived at Oa with the enemy rings in tow but the guardians see him as a threat. With no one on his side what will the ultimate ring bearer do? Kirkham is killing it on the art chores for this series and the story is not that bad to boot! You’ll do yourself a great service by getting this issue and seeing what exactly is the deal with the rainbow brigade.
Here is the full list of releases!
All-Star Western #3 (Rafa Garres Regular Cover)
Animal Man #1 (Travel Foreman 3rd Printing Variant Cover)
Aquaman #3
Batman The Dark Knight #3
Blackhawks #3
DC Comics Presents The Life Story Of The Flash #1
Diablo #1 (of 5)
Flash #3 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover)
Flash #3 (Francis Manapul Black & White Variant Cover)
Flash #3 (Jim Lee Variant Cover)
Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #3
Green Lantern New Guardians #3
I Vampire #3
Justice League Dark #3 (Ryan Sook Regular Cover)
Savage Hawkman #3
Shade #2 (of 12) (Tony Harris Regular Cover)
Shade #2 (of 12) (Cully Hamner Variant Cover)
Superman #3
Teen Titans #3
Voodoo #3 (John Tyler Christopher Regular Cover)
DMZ #71
Hellblazer #285
Scalped #54
Unwritten #31.5
Age Of Apocalypse By Billy Tan Poster
Alpha Flight #6 (Tom Grummett Regular Cover)
Annihilators Earthfall #3 (of 4)
Astonishing X-Men #44
Avengers Origins The Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver #1 (One Shot)
Avengers Solo #2 (of 5) (John Tyler Christopher Regular Cover)
Avengers Solo #2 (of 5) (Thor Movie Variant Cover)
Captain America And Bucky #624
Daken Dark Wolverine #17
Fantastic Four #600 (Gabriele Dell’Otto Regular Cover)
Fantastic Four #600 (Arthur Adams Variant Cover)
Fantastic Four #600 (Joe Quesada Sketch Variant Cover)
Fantastic Four #600 (Joe Quesada Variant Cover)
Fantastic Four #600 (John Romita Jr. Variant Cover)
Invincible Iron Man #510 (Salvador Larroca Regular Cover)
Invincible Iron Man #510 (Mike Choi Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant Cover)
Iron Man 2.0 #10
KAPOW Guinness World Record Special #1 (One Shot)
Kick-Ass 2 #5 (John Romita Jr. Regular Cover)
Kick-Ass 2 #5 (Bryan Hitch Variant Cover)
Kick-Ass 2 #5 (Photo Variant Cover)
Mighty Thor #8
Secret Avengers #19 (John Cassaday Regular Cover)
Secret Avengers #19 (Larry Stroman Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant Cover)
Spider-Man #20 (Marvel Adventures)
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #4 (of 4)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2 (Kaare Andrews 3rd Printing Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #2 (Kaare Andrews 3rd Printing Variant Cover)
Vengeance #5 (of 6)
Wolverine And The X-Men #2 (Chris Bachalo Regular Cover)
Wolverine And The X-Men #2 (Ed McGuinness Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant Cover)
Caligula #5 (of 6) (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover)
Caligula #5 (of 6) (Jacen Burrows Golden Variant Cover)
Caligula #5 (of 6) (German Nobile Wraparound Cover)
Crossed Psychopath #4 (of 7) (Michael Dipascale Wizard World Chicago Cover)
Lady Death #8 (Gabriel Andrade Auxiliary Cover)
Lady Death #7 (Gabriel Guzman Wizard World Chicago Cover)
Lady Death Origins Annual #1 (Matt Martin Tease Cover)
War Goddess #2 (Clint Hilinski Auxiliary Cover)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Masterpieces #2
Decision 2012 Ron Paul #1 (Cover A Jeffrey Spokes)
Decision 2012 Ron Paul #1 (Cover B Jeffrey Spokes Superhero Variant)
Incorruptible #24 (Cover A Garry Brown)
Incorruptible #24 (Cover B Matteo Scalera)
B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth Russia #3 (of 5)
Dark Horse Presents #6 (Fabio Moon Regular Cover)
Dark Horse Presents #6 (Robert Love Variant Cover)
Star Wars Knight Errant Deluge #4 (of 5)
Usagi Yojimbo #142
Last Phantom #10 (Alex Ross Regular Cover)
Last Phantom #10 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover)
Last Phantom #10 (Fabiano Neves Variant Cover)
Last Phantom #10 (Stephen Sadowski Variant Cover)
Red Sonja #59 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover)
Red Sonja #59 (Walter Giovani Regular Cover)
Robert Jordan’s Wheel Of Time The Eye Of The World #17
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #8 (Ale Garza Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #8 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #8 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #8 (Ale Garza Risque Art Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #8 (Paul Renaud Martian Red Variant Cover)
Doctor Who #11 (Cover A Mark Buckingham)
Doctor Who #11 (Cover B Photo)
Doctor Who #11 (Matthew Dow Smith Variant Cover)
Dungeons And Dragons #13 (Tyler Walpole Regular Cover)
Dungeons And Dragons #13 (Steve Ellis Variant Cover)
Ghostbusters #1 (Dan Schoening 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #11 (David Messina Regular Cover)
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #11 (Matt Frank Titanosaurus Variant Cover)
In The Shadow Of Sherlock Holmes SC
Jack Avarice Is The Courier #4 (of 5) (Chris Madden Regular Cover)
Jack Avarice Is The Courier #4 (of 5) (Chris Madden Sketch Variant Cover)
Locke And Key The Guide To The Known Keys (One Shot) (Gabriel Rodriguez Regular Cover)
Locke And Key The Guide To The Known Keys (One Shot) (Gabriel Rodriguez Variant Cover)
27 Second Set #3 (of 4)
Infinite #4
Infinite #4 (Deluxe Edition)
Invincible #85
Teen Wolf Bite Me #3 (of 3)
Vescell #4
Walking Dead Weekly #47
Rachel Rising #1 (Red 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Princeless #1
Cavewoman Cover Gallery #4
Cavewoman Cover Gallery #4 (Special Edition)
Billy Tucci A Child Is Born (One Shot) (Billy Tucci Regular Cover)
Billy Tucci A Child Is Born (One Shot) (Billy Tucci Variant Cover)
All Fall Down GN (resolicited)
Blade Of Kumori TP
Every Waking Moment GN (resolicited)
Rovers GN
Ultraduck GN
Life With Archie #15
Sonic Universe #34
World Of Archie Double Digest #12
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #6
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #5 (Cover A Eduardo Francisco)
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #5 (Cover B Tony Parker)
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #5 (Cover C Sketch Variant)
Bart Simpson Comics #65
Ravana Roar Of The Demon King GN
Rasl #12
Comic Shop News #1275
Comic Shop News Christmas 2011 Special
Adventures Of Herge HC
Everything Comics From 1978-1981 HC
Comic Book Comics #6 (of 6)
Estonia A Ramble Through The Periphery HC
Oil And Water HC
Pogo The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips Volume 1 Through The Wild Blue Wonder HC
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Volume 1 Lost In The Andes HC
Heavy Metal Volume 35 #8 (January 2012)
Dead Walker GN
Salvatore Volume 2 An Eventful Crossing GN
Sixth Gun #17
Richelle Mead Dark Swan Storm Born #4 (of 4) (Dave Hamann Regular Cover)
Richelle Mead Dark Swan Storm Born #4 (of 4) (Dave Hamann Variant Cover)
Tank Girl Carioca #2 (of 3)
World War 3 Illustrated #42
Stan Lee Universe HC (resolicited)
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Neverland Hook #2 (Cover A Ale Garza)
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Neverland Hook #2 (Cover B Marat Mychaels)
Hero Complex Film Festival – Richard Donner, Geoff Johns, Jon Favreau and Guest
Where do heroes like to meet up on their downtime? Well no place other than The LA Times Hero Complex Film Festival! Continue reading “Hero Complex Film Festival – Richard Donner, Geoff Johns, Jon Favreau and Guest”