With The Secret World of Arrietty, Hayao Miyazaki brings back his brilliance, magic, and charm to the delight of both adults and children. Continue reading “‘The Secret World of Arrietty’ Review!”
Author: S. Christian Roe
84th Academy Award Nominations Announced!
Finally the moment movie lovers and film snobs have been waiting for. The official list of nominees for the 84th Academy Awards!
Continue reading “84th Academy Award Nominations Announced!”
Review: The Artist
With the Academy Awards fast approaching, it is no wonder that films like The Artist are getting all the praise. Is this the movie that will define the decade? Yes, yes it is. Continue reading “Review: The Artist”
Wes Anderson’s ‘Moonrise Kingdom’ Trailer Launches!
Perhaps you attended Rushmore, maybe you were even part of The Royal Tenenbaums, and even still you could have gone on a journey with The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, but that doesn’t prepare you for Wes Anderson’s next great work Moonrise Kingdom. Continue reading “Wes Anderson’s ‘Moonrise Kingdom’ Trailer Launches!”
84th Academy Awards ‘Best Picture’ Predictions
It’s coming down to the wire in just 14 days we will have the question answered on everyone’s mind…what’s going to be nominated?
Continue reading “84th Academy Awards ‘Best Picture’ Predictions”
Official Trailer for the 84th Academy Awards!
We’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time, the legendary Billy Crystal returns…better than ever. Continue reading “Official Trailer for the 84th Academy Awards!”