Category: News
TV Shows: My Farewell to AMC’s “Breaking Bad”
Pretty much everyone on the planet knows that AMC’s Breaking Bad ends on Sunday, September 29, 2013. Continue reading “TV Shows: My Farewell to AMC’s “Breaking Bad””
My Opinion: Oscars 2013
Well, there ya go! Continue reading “My Opinion: Oscars 2013”
Sponsored Video: Sprint Network Datacoach
No one likes limits. Being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and for how long. Who enjoys living in a world like that? Yet, we live in a world where we are told how fast to drive, that events and deals are for a limited time only, limits on phone minutes, text, and data, and there’s always some limit on much you can buy of an item during a sale.
I mean, if I want to buy eleven loaves of bread for a dollar each, don’t tell me I can only buy ten with that deal or I have to pay full price. Darn those limits! I want my extra loaf of bread!! Continue reading “Sponsored Video: Sprint Network Datacoach”
Sponsored Video: Vitamin Water/Vitamin Angels 1 Million Views for Kids
Halloween Horror Nights: Make-Up FX Preview – My Experience
After briefly getting lost Continue reading “Halloween Horror Nights: Make-Up FX Preview – My Experience”