Review: Mr. Lifeless


Hello all. I am going to review this site’s own short film series… “Mr. Lifeless”. My first problem is the title. The first episode begins with the title character running away from the police. We do not know why. What we do know is this: Having no life is not against the law… so this man has had to have committed a crime or been framed for something. Does this hurt the series? Not really. Well personally for me I can never watch it again because I am so outraged, but for normal people… I don’t think anyone will care. Anywhos…

The film is quick and intense. It is very fast paced, lots of running, quick cuts and some intense stunts involving a car that put Death Proof to shame. It will fill your life with a fun 30+ seconds. Well… a boring 20 minutes (the frickin load time for the dumb pipeline) and then a fun 30 + seconds. To summarize… Mr. Lifeless…. hardly… Mr. Lifemore… Yes.

Reformatted Videos section

StuffWeLike’s Video page has now evolved into an easy to navigate video section. Rather than searching through the Channel Guide for that one hard to find show, there’s a new navigation system to the right of the player that breaks down The Pipeline into several categories. Choose your category and then the show that you want to watch.

It’s much more straight forward to use than ever before!

Mr. Lifeless: The New Series!

Being spontaneous in film is not necessarily a bad thing, this is exactly how Mr. Lifeless, the new internet webisode series, was created, born, and started. The idea essentially began with an unexpected police event occurring outside our dorm. David and I were just about ready to shoot a practice test involving the show Yo Gabba Gabba until the practice test instantly began to fail on us. Immediately after, David noticed a helicopter circling around the minor police raid outside, he quickly remarked, “Look! There is a Helicopter! Let’s go shoot that!”

Mr. Lifeless

Without any hesitation we both ran outside and began filming. Image after image a story was forming and suddenly we had specific symbols, sounds, and an overall a mysterious character to guide us into an unknown situation that was pure cinematic conflict. This was unpolluted, raw, and untidy guerilla style filmmaking. Mr. Lifeless defies the laws of Hollywood by ignoring the concepts and tools of lighting, booms, and set n’ stone scripts that barricade the ideas of natural filmmaking.

Mr. Lifeless is an ambiguous mystery that will surprise the viewers in the end. Nothing is what it seems, and everything is up for grabs. What will happen next? Who is Mr. Lifeless? Well ladies and gentlemen… take nothing for granted and surely you’ll find out.

-John-Erik Reese

Social Media = The Pipeline

The Pipeline now has two new features released today!

First, anyone can send a the content in The Pipeline directly to their Twitter account by clicking on the ‘T’ button in the Captions portion of the player.

Secondly, anyone can now submit videos, audio, or pictures directly to The Pipeline by sending their file to YOUR content will appear in our user content generated show called YOUR STUFF. This show is run by you, for you! Submit audio, video, and pictures either from your Mobile or regular email address. Make sure that the file is under 10 megabytes. Accepted files include: MP3, JPG, GIF, PNG, MOV, FLV, AVI, and WMV.

Lastly, chat functionality is coming to The Pipeline! Very soon you’ll be able to chat with other users directly within the player!

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Now Playing: Amorousness

Amorousness is without a doubt the most artistic film ever aired on’s Original Shows. It’s actually the first film on that I didn’t have any personal involvement. It’s also the first of several films in which we hope to create a bold and new direction with the ‘Original Shows’ (for you old SWL fans, Our Movies) on The Pipeline. We’ll reveal more information about these upcoming films as the productions on them begin. After you watch Amorousness, read the Director’s comments.

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John-Erik Reese (Director): “This film is essentially a poem told with images. Much like an Ingmar Bergman or Jean-Luc Godard film, my short film takes a simple idea and a central theme as the necessary foundation, thus, making the two components revolve around the story completely.

My approach for the short was to make it ambiguous and anomalous for the motive that a simple thing (whatever it may be in life) is always much more intricate in its very own unique way. This short film is based on existential philosophy dealing with inner conflict, vanity, self-existence, and most prominently disconnected love.

I hope that everyone who views this may perhaps interpret the meaning his/her own way (as it was meant to be) and also may consider that images might perhaps appear as a meaning of its own (ex. Fire is seen in the beginning of the film as a symbol of love’s great fuel. Water, which is seen later, is a symbol for the love’s cooling or simply putting out the flames, which essential relates to the two figure characters).

Amorousness is, for all intents and purposes, filled with meaning and promising interpretation, the only aspect it requires is the initial thought.”

Our Video Player to the MAX!

Class is now in session. First on the list of lessons is how to comment on any video in our video player called The Pipeline. I knew that you wouldn’t want to read how to do this so here’s a 16-second video tutorial. Yes it’s really easy and fun to comment!

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