Halo 3 Midnight Launch Video

[Update #6]
The video player seems to be up and running now. If you have any issues let us know.

[Update #5!!!]
Here’s the YouTube version as we wait on the technical difficulties to be worked out. We’ve heard from some users that their experience with the player is that it’s running fine. If you’d like to see the high quality version of this video, click on the Videos tab above and go to the StuffWeLike TV. Look under StuffWeLike.com Podcasts and Video Reviews.[Update #4]
We’re currently experiencing some technical difficulties with the video player. It may take a while to load videos.

[Update #3]
The Halo 3 launch video podcast is now online!

– – – –

We’re editing the new podcast of the Halo 3 launch at Universal Citywalk. Stay tuned for further updates later today. I hope that it can be released sometime in the late afternoon period, but I’m tired so I might take a nap instead.

This episode actually features something brand-new to the podcast. I won’t say what it is, but if you’ve seen any of our previous podcasts you’ll definitely notice the difference.

Also I’d like to take this time to thank everyone that submitted photos and videos to the Halo 3 Coverage show!

After being kicked out of the my college’s library during a fire drill, I’m back! As I was saying – if you have pictures or videos of your Halo 3 launch experience send them over to Halo@splashcast.net

Check back for more updates coming later in the day about the new podcast episode.

[Update #2]

Expect the new episode within the next hour.

Review: Mr. Lifeless


Hello all. I am going to review this site’s own short film series… “Mr. Lifeless”. My first problem is the title. The first episode begins with the title character running away from the police. We do not know why. What we do know is this: Having no life is not against the law… so this man has had to have committed a crime or been framed for something. Does this hurt the series? Not really. Well personally for me I can never watch it again because I am so outraged, but for normal people… I don’t think anyone will care. Anywhos…

The film is quick and intense. It is very fast paced, lots of running, quick cuts and some intense stunts involving a car that put Death Proof to shame. It will fill your life with a fun 30+ seconds. Well… a boring 20 minutes (the frickin load time for the dumb pipeline) and then a fun 30 + seconds. To summarize… Mr. Lifeless…. hardly… Mr. Lifemore… Yes.

Mr. Lifeless: The New Series!

Being spontaneous in film is not necessarily a bad thing, this is exactly how Mr. Lifeless, the new StuffWeLike.com internet webisode series, was created, born, and started. The idea essentially began with an unexpected police event occurring outside our dorm. David and I were just about ready to shoot a practice test involving the show Yo Gabba Gabba until the practice test instantly began to fail on us. Immediately after, David noticed a helicopter circling around the minor police raid outside, he quickly remarked, “Look! There is a Helicopter! Let’s go shoot that!”

Mr. Lifeless

Without any hesitation we both ran outside and began filming. Image after image a story was forming and suddenly we had specific symbols, sounds, and an overall a mysterious character to guide us into an unknown situation that was pure cinematic conflict. This was unpolluted, raw, and untidy guerilla style filmmaking. Mr. Lifeless defies the laws of Hollywood by ignoring the concepts and tools of lighting, booms, and set n’ stone scripts that barricade the ideas of natural filmmaking.

Mr. Lifeless is an ambiguous mystery that will surprise the viewers in the end. Nothing is what it seems, and everything is up for grabs. What will happen next? Who is Mr. Lifeless? Well ladies and gentlemen… take nothing for granted and surely you’ll find out.

-John-Erik Reese

The Heroes are Back!

[Update #2]

FLV playback is now working in the player. Sorry about that! All the clips below are now playable.


I’ve uploaded high quality files of the NGH 2 Diaries.

It appears that any file that was FLV is having some playback issues. We’re working on fixing this problem in the player.

– – – –

It’s been a long time since I last talked about The Next-Generation of Heroes on StuffWeLike! This series was the first film StuffWeLike.com ever made! That’s how classic this series is.

Back in the summer of August 2003 filming began on a set of films that took almost a year to complete. After that we released a DVD with tons of special features. Then about a year after the DVD filming began for the sequel and eventually wrapped up in spring 2006.

The Next-Generation of Heroes has and for ever will have an impact on my life and since it is 100% tied to StuffWeLike.com, I’ve dedicated an entire show to it. This collection features potentially everything ever made available and many things that were only shown on the DVD!

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As of writing this post, I still have a couple more videos – NGH 2 Diaries – that will be added later tomorrow.