Microsoft Buys Facebook

Microsoft Buys Facebook

What if you could merge two companies, one that is seen to some as evil – the other one that is seen as a breath of fresh air…

In the coming months, we’ll find out the answer to that question as Microsoft invested $240 million into today. Facebook is being valued at $15 billion dollars! If ever receives that kind of estimate, I’d shit in my pants and eat it. (don’t quote me on that)

All the fine details have yet to be made public, but what is known is that Microsoft will be controlling the ad content shown on Facebook. Bottom line is, be prepared to see Microsoft only products – no iPhones, iPods, and other crap.

If you really want to read more details on this amazing twist of events, click here. But I’ll warn you that I’ve said the most juicy details in this post. So if you could careless, resume your life watching Prank David videos.

Unreal Tournament 3 Beta Demo


The UT3 beta demo is something of a mixed bag. It gives you everything you would expect from the old UT games with the closed in environments and a few larger ones. The game play feels more like UT 1 than the yearly update versions with its quick pace but the demo does feel like its cut in two. The larger maps feel like they have had parts of the HUD taken from other games, messed about with and then ruined. The smaller non vehicle game areas are much better and faster paced giving exactly what you would expect.

The beta demo has a usual file size for this kind of game but the interesting thing is when trying to connect to servers there are a lot of phantom ones listed. This means most likely you will end up playing against the AI and its one of those cases where the AI seems to know exactly where everything is and has a single purpose of targeting just you and ignoring your team mates on the vehicle map.

Is the beta demo worth trying? Yes. If you like the quick Quake style multiplayer then the demo will keep you busy. If you approach your FPS’ more like a strategy player, slow and calculated then this will not be too your liking.

Remember, this should not be considered a review of the full game just an opinion on the PC beta demo.

Rock Band On Tour


Although it started last Thursday, a Rock Band tour has begun and it is coming to cities all over the country. With this tour comes a huge stage, a chance to play about 7 of the songs from the game, and a chance to participate in the Rock Off Audition with the winners being able to participate in a Battle of the Bands live on MTV.

Defininitely go check this out as it is free and obviously awesome. Also, it’s coming to pretty much every region of the country in the next two months. You can find the dates and places here.