Splashcast and StuffWeLike XOXO

You may not have ever heard of a little web 2.0 company called Splashcast, but they’ve had a great impact on StuffWeLike.com. After reading the official statement about Splashcast shutting down, I’d like to take this time to walk down memory lane Continue reading “Splashcast and StuffWeLike XOXO”

StuffWeLike TV Player fixed

We were having some issues with shows on the StuffWeLike TV video player. Some shows weren’t display their videos.

If you haven’t noticed our widget before, it’s on the sidebar of the blog. It’s also on the website’s front page at www.StuffWeLike.com.

If you have any suggestions for shows that you want to see on the player, let us know by writing a comment!

You can also add our player onto your Facebook, Myspace account. Simply click on the Get Code button.

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