Michael Bay, Eli Roth respond to Uwe Boll; can get ugly

A summary of what’s going on

Uwe Boll’s hateful video that faced heavy YouTube competition from teenage rants has apparently not gone very unnoticed. Michael Bay responded on his official forum, saying:

I find people who rant like that – calling shit about both me, and George Clooney – comes from someone screaming because he is not being heard. He is obviously a sad being.

When you ask “do I care”? Not in the slightest.


Eli Roth, also insulted by Boll has supposedly responded saying that it was the “greatest compliment ever”. No news available about George Clooney, also insulted in a German accent.

When will this war of words between Hollywood’s most annoying directors end?!

Source: BingeGamer

Uwe Boll will resign if petition gets 1 million signatures

[UPDATE: 4/9/08] Pro-Uwe Boll petition?! Who would be Pro-Uwe, especially when he insults Hollywood?


Uwe Boll

Uwe Boll. The name brings back mortifying memories of Alone in the Dark, Dungeon Siege and Far Cry. What would it take to stop such a monstrous juggernaut from obliterating our movie-appreciation senses? Straight from the man himself, it’s going to take ONE MILLION signatures on this petition.Hit the jump to find out what’s up! Continue reading “Uwe Boll will resign if petition gets 1 million signatures”

Oscar Blues

Oscar and Me

What, its Oscar time again? Oscar, who’s Oscar? Isn’t it just Barack and Hilary and John that are running?

Oh, the Academy Awards is it? This year, the 80th year of the annual Hollywood glamour fest, seems like no one really cares. Sure, as a member of the elite few, the number of email with details of Media Coverage Plans, Pink Champagne for the Governor’s Ball and nominations for movies with strange titles like “Old Men” and “Blood” and “Sweeny Todd” and others have recently filled my email Inbox.

But with the Hollywood writers strike, the interesting US elections and questions about whether I am going to be able to afford a new X Box 360 because of an economy that sucks, all I can say, along with many other people, in good “Gone with the Wind” (Academy Award winner 1940, Best Picture, Screenplay, Director and a slew of others), style, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” (Rhett Butler).

And with the threat of rain on Sunday late afternoon in Los Angeles (who wants to see glamorous movie actresses with messy hair and rain soaked gowns), this year’s Academy Award show looks to be a bust.

Continue reading “Oscar Blues”

Indy 4 looking as good as it should

And on the other side of the movie spectrum, we have an adventure movie that actually kicks butt! Indiana Jones is back (“You call him Dr. Jones!”) and he’s kicking ass major. If you still had any doubts as to whether Harrison Ford can be old and hot at the same time, they are about to be silenced!

Things are looking fantastically crisp and classic, and I think it’s safe to say that we’re in for one hell of a ride here! I can’t wait for the movie to release on May 22nd!

Not fond of YouTube? Check it out in HD at 480p and 720p!

Far Cry movie looks as bad as it should

No, really. Even if you’re a AAA-level Hollywood director, a video game enthusiast and have no trouble getting people to watch your movies, which game would you choose to adapt to a movie? Maybe something with a good entertainment value, a great story. Maybe something that accurately demonstrates how much video games have evolved to become excellent storytelling mediums.

But it doesn’t work that way for Uwe Boll. Dungeon Siege – ah, the hack-and-slash that was lambasted for its lack of storyline or depth – yes, excellent movie material. Far Cry – great game, but the story was obviously added after the game, and ripped off of some bootlegged B-movie, yes, why not?

And Far Cry is one game where you’d hope the director doesn’t stick to the plot of the original, but Uwe Boll defies the crowd once more to stick very closely to the abysmal plot of Far Cry, as is evident in the trailer above. No wonder the mainstream media doesn’t find video games capable to storytelling.

It’s got everything – the campiest cheesy lines, German accents for the megalomaniac villain, mutants that look like muscular bald men (they probably couldn’t afford them to look like they do in the game), Hummers blowing up and acting skills that one never thought could exist.

Then again, maybe it’s best that Uwe Boll ruinss the games with poor storylines instead of the better ones out there (*prays to Lord he never plays Deus Ex*).

Rockstar: We never planned Eminem-GTA movie

Dan Houser saying WTF?

In our last post, we found Variety alleging that Rockstar almost yes to a movie project based on the GTA franchise, that was starring none other than Eminem. The project supposedly got cancelled at the last moment, saving millions of innocents like us from cinematic torture.

When contacted, Dan Houser, who is Vice President of the Creative team at Rockstar said that this was all bull and that Rockstar never agreed to any such deal. To find out more on this rebuttal and Rockstar’s current plans for future movie adaptations, hit the jump!

Continue reading “Rockstar: We never planned Eminem-GTA movie”