Best Buy Pushes HD & Playstation 3

Good news on the retail front. Best Buy is offering customers $100 off Sony Corp.’s Playstation 3 when purchased with an HDTV $999 and up. The promotion intends to further high-definition sales.


  Each PS3 sold includes a Blu-ray disc drive to playback high-definition titles.

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Holy Cryst, Crytek trademarks “Crysis Warhead”

Crysis Warhead

Crytek, the vydeo game developer we all know very well for makyng Far Cry and Crysis have trademarked the name “Crysis Warhead”. Since it sounds lyke a great name for a game, we thynk that must be it, and there’s also a remote chance it might be connected to the orygynal Crysis game.

Hit the jump to know more.

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Pac-Man shoes from Ben Sherman

Ben Sherman Blinky Shoes

As you may have guessed, we love videogames here at StuffWeLike. But looking at these new shoes from Ben Sherman is enough to get us liking videogame apparel too.

Out of all the gamer gear that’s been kicking about recently-these Pac-Man inspired wear could be one of the coolest looking. They come in black and white, and feature a nemesis of our hungry-yellow sphere shaped friend.

The lone orange Blinky on the front is a stylish touch too.

They are available here for $60. You’d better snap them up before we somone else does.

HD-DVD bites the dust, Blu-Ray cleans up

Blu-Ray wins the format war

It had tech-fanatics going at each other, had two major games consoles squaring up and even had Hollywood studios scratching their heads, but now the hi-def format war is over with Blu-Ray coming out on top.

The Tosh announced today they were planning to halt production, but would still give technical support to those with HD-DVD players and discs.

The result is hardly a surprise given that Warner Bros and most recently Best Buy and Wal Mart had given up on HD-DVD.

This could affect the console war too. 

Sony’s Playstation 3 is now the most affordable Blu-Ray player around, and since Blu-Ray is now the sole high-definition format- this could increase PS3 sales.  

Roll on the next tech-war.

EA talks about Burnout, Skate, Mass Effect 2 and next NFS

EA Games
EA, the assembly line where games are rolled out before they can be fully tested for quality-assurance talked about their Burnout and Skate franchises not very long ago. They also let out a sentence each for Mass Effect 2 (which THEY now handle, muhahaha) and the next NFS game.

Hit the jump to find out what EA said!

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Why are there no modern submarine games?


I think you will find its a valid question. We have no shortage of quality submarine games like the Silent Hunter series set in WW2. However there has not been a single modern day submarine title since the 90’s. With the market so heavily occupied by first person shooters and flight simulators why is this one type of game lacking?

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