As a long time fan of the Tekken games, I was thrilled to hear that they were releasing a film. Continue reading “Tekken Blood Vengeance 3D”
Author: JasmineAmiri
Dragon Age: Redemption Trailer
Dragon Age? Felicia Day?! NERD-GASM
There have been plenty of Dragon Age fan videos, most of which are more embarrassing than entertaining. All that is about to change with Dragon Age: Redemption. The big difference? This one has Biowares stamp of endorsement on it. That, and it stars The Guilds Felicia Day! What more could any Dragon Age fan ask for?
Here is the first official trailer:
Look for Dragon Age: Redemption in Summer of 2011!
Best Super Bowl Commercial: Darth Vader Kid
Little Vader stole our hearts
Out of all of the brilliant Super Bowl commercials of 2011, the one that stuck the most was the Volkswagen commercial for the new Passat. It featured 6 year old, Max Page, dressed as Darth Vader doing the imperial march about his house.
Funny thing is, Max has never seen Star Wars. Boy is he in for a treat.
Here’s the ad:
LA Noire – A Glimpse of What’s to Come
The new trailer for Rockstar’s latest title, LA Noire, gives us a glimpse of the new technology they have been raving about
Rockstar Games has been called many things in the past, but more recently the words “game changer” have been thrown around. With their new title, LA Noire, they have taken game graphics to a new level. Rockstar has joined forces with Team Bondi to create some of the most advanced motion capture in game footage we have ever seen.
The way that they achieve such realistic results is to first capture the actor’s body movements with motion capture technology. Then, they send the actor into make up and hair and use scanning technology to get the face and head. They also capture the voice during the scanning process for a more authentic feel to the acting.
The results are almost film-like, but judge for yourselves:
Little Big Planet 2 – Review
Little Big Planet 2 Review
The sequel to 2008’s Little Big Planet has just hit shelves and is creating a buzz amongst gamers. Little Big Planet 2 follows the original’s formula with its platform elements and three planes (back, middle and foreground) but has improved many of the original features as well.
One of the features that has been greatly improved is the Create Mode. In the original LBP, it was difficult to navigate around, which led to my frustration and eventual giving up on the level creator altogether. I couldn’t understand how people were coming up with the amazing levels I would see online. Now, with Little Big Planet 2’s user friendly Create Mode, I can try to compete with the great levels other players are creating.
Besides an improved creation mode, LBP2 has brought their story mode to a new level as well. There are 30 story levels in the game, which will keep you at it for a while, trying to accomplish all of the challenges. Each level has a new feel to it and immerses you in a world of completely different art than the previous one. Little Big Planet 2 has also added a few new features such as a jump pad to launch your Sackboy or girl into the air and a helmet, called the Creatinator, that projects any object that you create into the air.
A look at the Creatinator
This PS3 exclusive title is sure to keep you entertained for hours. It has a high re-play value with challenges for every level and new player created levels popping up every day. It is definitely worth checking out!
Dragon Age II Dead Space Armor
A goodie for fans of EA’s upcoming titles
For those of you who are thrilled for all of EA’s first quarter releases, there’s a little bonus for you. EA has included Dead Space inspired armor for their upcoming title Dragon Age II with the purchase of Dead Space II.
It looks rad!
Here are more details from Dragon Age:
Ser Isaac’s Armor
The chilling tales of Ser Isaac of Clarke are a favorite of bards performing in the wee hours of the night. In dank taverns throughout Thedas, these horror-filled stories captivate listeners and bring nightmares to those faint of heart.
- Ser Isaac’s Boots
- Increases armor
- Requires high dexterity and cunning
- Ser Isaac’s Armor
- Heavy Armor
- Contains a rune slot
- Increases armor
- Requires high dexterity and cunning
- Ser Isaac’s Gauntlets
- Increases armor
- Requires high dexterity and cunning
- Ser Isaac’s Helm
- Contains a rune slot
- Increases armor
- Critical damage factor
- Requires high dexterity and cunning
Purchase Dead Space 2 today and get a code to unlock a special set of Isaac Clarke inspired armor for the upcoming, Action-RPG from BioWare, Dragon Age 2.
The video for Ser Isaac’s Armor
Dead Space 2 comes out January 25th and Dragon Age 2 comes out March 8th.