This one could be down to a clerical error but US retailer GameStop has posted on it’s website a 30th June release date for Splinter Cell: Conviction on both 360 and PC with a guide book also to be released on the same day.

Given that there have been no press announcements and only a limited number of media assets released recently for the title after a long hiatus to reshape the game the quiet release next month looks unlikely. However, since the economic downturn has made less money available for advertising budgets Ubisoft could be leaving everything to the last minute.
For those who are unfamiliar with the game Splinter Cell: Conviction is the newest in a long running franchise of games from Tom Clancy with this release nicknamed by most gamers the hobo edition due to the scruffy looking nature of lead character Sam Fisher in the released media content.
We expect to see movement on this story in the coming weeks, in the meantime you can check out the GameStop website for confirmation of the current release date.
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