Crytek reveals Crysis: Warhead

Crysis Warhead

Faithful readers will remember that we reported when Crytek registered the Crysis Warhead trademark. It looks like the name has been materialized into what appears to be a brand new game: not an expansion or a console port, a full-fledged title!

Warhead puts you in the eyes of one of the most loved characters in the game, Sergeant Sykes (a.k.a. Psycho). The game will take place parallel to the events of the original game, set through Sykes’ view of the other side of the island. Sykes will be armed with a larger arsenal of fully-customizable weapons, all new vehicles and stuff.

Crytek will be focussing on improving their storytelling (which is a noble move, IMO) and game performance. That means that Crytek will most likely not be raising the graphics bar to superhuman levels. But hell, better game performance at least means it will work on normal computers and not alien mainframes. And for once, we’ll have a sensible storyline.

Warhead is a PC exclusive and is being developed with a new and enhanced version of the classic CryENGINE 2, at Crytek’s Budapest Studio. That is where you go to capture the copies and ransom them. Or do something like that. Yeah.

Stay tuned for more info, most likely in the coming summer. Meanwhile, you can ogle over the official press release here.

Youtube Uploads 1024 megabytes!!!

Youtube has increased the maximum upload capacity for videos from 100 megabytes to 1024 megabytes! This increase will allow for some major high resolution videos to be viewed on the mega-video site. Additionally video producers can upload multiple videos at once using an extra downloadable software pack.

Videos still have the 10 minute cap.

In other related news Youtube launched a new feature called Youtube Annotations.


I’ve uploaded a 800 megabyte file onto YouTube:

Looks like crap. Click on the video and read its description for more information. I guess higher resolution videos won’t come from higher storage upload.

Youtube Annotations

Youtube has added a new feature called Annotations! This is awesome for video producers because it allows you to write notes on your video! Include popup text with links and you can have some major kick ass videos! Imagine you say a URL – now you can write it out in the video and provide a link to it for viewers to click on during the video!

This is fantastic thanks Youtube!

Here’s an example.


Currently links can only be to: YouTube Video, Channel, or Search result.
Also currently the text is only available on videos embedded on Youtube.

My How-To Annotate video:

Continue reading “Youtube Annotations”

Gaming Habits

As we discover in family life, times and technology may change but people stay the same. Although protested in younger years, most discover that turning into their parents is somewhat unavoidable. It’s not surprising then that through history people have always liked to play games. The form and function has changed over the years but that innate human desire to play together finds its expression in every generation.

Games teach us to look for patterns to improve our performance. We learn to collect, order, clean up and generally sort things out to progress through each gaming experience. This works well because we are also driven by these things in real life. We instinctively want to create order out of chaos.

Continue reading “Gaming Habits”

The iLogic Sound Hat: letting the music go to your head

There’s a party in your head, and only you’re invited!

I’ve always thought to myself “What if my hat could play music?”.

Well, not really. But if I did this would be exactly the kind of thing I’d be looking for. It’s the Sound Hat from iLogic.

Continue reading “The iLogic Sound Hat: letting the music go to your head”