YouTube Widescreen Player

[Update 12/04/08: YouTube now allows for HD streaming. and
YouTube has enabled Widescreen embeds.

Updated 11/24/08: YouTube defaults to 16:9 player format, but what does that mean for the web video industry?]

YouTube’s been going under some mega changes so far this year and now they’ve updated their new player to resize itself to true widescreen resolution. For right now that only pro’s that I can notice between the new widescreen player versus the older player is that if there are widescreen black bars the majority of them will be cut off.

Is this really all that newsworthy? I say no, but the question is why does YouTube find it necessary to release a widescreen format player? There’s got to be something else that this new form of a player can offer that the old one didn’t. Hopefully they’ll let us know what exactly that is soon enough.

Right now because their new player does not embed onto third party sites we can’t show you the differences directly within this post. You can see an example here. Make sure to turn on and off the old/new player to see the differences.

YouTube Widescreen Player

I’m good at photoshop.

id begins work on Doom 4, wants talented people like you

Doom Movie Logo

It’s that time of the decade again, when id rolls in and starts making announcements and advancements here and there. The video game veteran developer and virtually the founder of the FPS genre, id has announced that they are beginning work on Doom 4!

Currently they haven’t divulged any details other than it will continue the Doom Universe and the battle vs. evil, blah blah blah. But more importantly, id is hiring! id has announced that they are looking for talented individuals to join their uber-team to save the world from crappy video games! Hit the jump for some more stuff on this.

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The Dark Knight’s Two-Face revealed, looks truly OMFGWTF

Harvey Dent

It seems that The Dark Knight and awesomeness go hand-in-hand. After the devastatingly awesome trailer that came on earlier this week, we now have a secretly leaked image of Two-Face, the movie’s second villain, after of course, The Joker.

While The Joker has been the movie’s poster boy, poor old Two-Face has gotten hardly any attention other than as Harvey Dent the politician. But don’t underestimate him. If ye be not afraid of spoilers, hit the jump to find out what Two-Face truly looks like in the film.

You will be amazed. ***THE DARK KNIGHT SPOILERS BELOW***

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The Iron Man Samuel L. Jackson SHIELD scene!

[Update: Tony Stark aka Iron Man in The Incredible Hulk video]


If you, like me, missed the final scene of the movie because you wanted to blog about it had more important things to do, you need not fear! The ending scene has been leaked to the Internets! Check it out above!For more info on what’s going on, who’s SHIELD, what Samuel L. Jackson is doing there and what Tony Stark will most likely be getting into in Iron Man 2, hit the jump!
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Wii-Fit and GTA for a Healthier Life

Family Gamer

The gaming landscape has changed somewhat since the last article. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) IV and Wii-Fit, two of the biggest games of the year, were released to critical acclaim and not a little media circus. Although these two share top billing they couldn’t be more different. One game is marketed squarely at the twenty something hardcore gamer whilst the other sets its sights on the family gaming market. However, scratch beneath the surface and they have something fundamental in common – the opportunity for increased well being. This is obvious for Wii-Fit but how so with GTA IV?

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The UFO watch: now ready for probing


Having been a gadget news and reviews writer for quite some time I’ve seen my share of the sublime and ridiculous in the world of tech. But here’s something that’s a little out of this world-the U200i UFO watch (cringe).

In terms of the sublime and ridiculous I’m not sure where this fits in. It certainly is different. Not only is it a watch, but an MP3 player and cell phone.

OK, so most of the latest mobile phones have music playing capabilty, and they can also tell the time-believe it or not. But I’ve never seen a mash-up quite like this. It looks like something that should have been in the Back To The Future films.

Click ahead for more details and a closer look.

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