Internet Video is Complicated

If you ever wanted a look into the media 2.0 industry here’s a great video from Streaming Media. I love thinking about this stuff. The techie in me screams out in joy when I hear about the future of web video and what needs to be fixed.

StuffWeLike videos can be found throughout the net, but the most important place to be able to find these videos is actually on StuffWeLike. We offer hours of video content, but in many respects you probably haven’t even noticed it. Not that it’s your fault, it’s ours. Our player The Pipeline is constantly evolving to meet users demands. 2008 will be a huge year for us as the player opens up to new frontiers.

But as the title of this post says, internet video is complicated. No service has the ultimate solution. The video below will show just how much people are trying to fix and improve your abilities to find videos. We’re at the forefront of the explosion. I can only imagine that 10 years from now we’ll be at a recession as media 2.0 companies get bought out or go bankrupt due to the over-saturation of the market. Yay…

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

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