Star Wars: Force Unleashed Movie Up Next?

Force Unleashed, for all the reviews it got, ended up being a success, with a whopping 1 million unit sales in a mere 5 days. If anything, it goes to show that people still buy Star Wars. While Metacritic gave it a score of around 70 on different platforms, LucasArts seems to be unfazed by the criticism.

So does that warrant a movie version?! After watching (and shaking my head profoundly) at Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, I can’t help but think how Force Unleashed can possibly be a great movie. Except maybe if the entire movie was about slicing and throwing people with the Force. But since its Star Wars, I doubt if Lucas will approve that.

Force Unleashed already got a comic book adaptation and a bestselling novel, oh and an artbook as lavish as a full-fledged movie. So it would it be surprising if LucasFilms announced out of the blue that they’ve decided to make a movie on Force Unleashed?

Haiden Blackden, project leader and Sith Lord of Force Unleashed says that a movie version would be an “testament to the priorities and sophisticated ideas of his team”. “It’s an incredible time,” he said, “to be telling powerful stories in this fairly young medium.” Well, I don’t know, Blackden, but storywise, I’d watch a Knights of the Old Republic movie first. Hell, I’d watch a Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast movie first.

Duke Nukem Movie in Works; Release Date Unknown

Duke Nukem

With Duke Nukem Forever right around the corner (you wish), it seems that 3D Realms has already gotten some ambitious plans in their delayed minds. Scott Miller from 3D Realms is collaborating with Scott Faye, producer of the upcoming Max Payne movie. The result will be just that: a goddamn Duke Nukem movie.

To start with, there’s the severe lack of potential for Duke Nukem. He worked as a hero back in the 90s, that too as a gaming hero fabled only among hardcore gamers and relatively obscure otherwise. Can he seriously come close to making a dent on film?

Add to that the utter lack of storyline for Duke Nukem. The whole thing was pretty much a pop culture rip-off that worked as a pastiche or a self-parody of itself (see what I did there?) and something to fill in the gaps while to blasted the next pig-faced alien. That for a movie? Go to hell.

And finally comes what 3D Realms are perhaps best known for. Will the movie even make it? Or will it spend another century “under development”?

Gears of War movie confirmed for 2010 release

Gears of War

The Gears of War movie, which has been floating around wistfully much like the Halo movie, has finally been confirmed for a hard on 2010 release. The news comes straight from producer Wyck Godfrey, so there’s no doubt about any of this now!

Hit the jump for more!
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Far Cry movie looks as bad as it should

No, really. Even if you’re a AAA-level Hollywood director, a video game enthusiast and have no trouble getting people to watch your movies, which game would you choose to adapt to a movie? Maybe something with a good entertainment value, a great story. Maybe something that accurately demonstrates how much video games have evolved to become excellent storytelling mediums.

But it doesn’t work that way for Uwe Boll. Dungeon Siege – ah, the hack-and-slash that was lambasted for its lack of storyline or depth – yes, excellent movie material. Far Cry – great game, but the story was obviously added after the game, and ripped off of some bootlegged B-movie, yes, why not?

And Far Cry is one game where you’d hope the director doesn’t stick to the plot of the original, but Uwe Boll defies the crowd once more to stick very closely to the abysmal plot of Far Cry, as is evident in the trailer above. No wonder the mainstream media doesn’t find video games capable to storytelling.

It’s got everything – the campiest cheesy lines, German accents for the megalomaniac villain, mutants that look like muscular bald men (they probably couldn’t afford them to look like they do in the game), Hummers blowing up and acting skills that one never thought could exist.

Then again, maybe it’s best that Uwe Boll ruinss the games with poor storylines instead of the better ones out there (*prays to Lord he never plays Deus Ex*).

Rockstar: We never planned Eminem-GTA movie

Dan Houser saying WTF?

In our last post, we found Variety alleging that Rockstar almost yes to a movie project based on the GTA franchise, that was starring none other than Eminem. The project supposedly got cancelled at the last moment, saving millions of innocents like us from cinematic torture.

When contacted, Dan Houser, who is Vice President of the Creative team at Rockstar said that this was all bull and that Rockstar never agreed to any such deal. To find out more on this rebuttal and Rockstar’s current plans for future movie adaptations, hit the jump!

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Eminem almost starred in a GTA movie; We thank heavens


Variety, on their new video game blog have revealed that there were actually plans to make a GTA movie; a revelation quite horrid in itself. But even worse, Eminem was planned to be cast in it, probably because of his spectacular performance in 8 Mile and his utterly brilliant singing and rapping abilities.
Continue reading “Eminem almost starred in a GTA movie; We thank heavens”