Is Lord Nasher Alagondar putting out a notice for more hardy adventurers to hazard the lands of Faerun? Or even the Rashemen, for that matter.
Continue reading “Neverwinter Nights 3 To Be Announced Soon?”
Exploring Stuff That Makes Life Great
The delay was announced back in October last year. Talk about a delayed explanation.
Continue reading “Sega Explains Alpha Protocol Delay”
Detailed info on this Obsidian-developed extension to the Fallout universe, right after the jump!
Continue reading “Fallout: New Vegas Leaked Details Reveal Electricity, California”
Can’t really say a brighter, more entertaining, post-apocalyptic world exists outside of the Fallout universe. Continue reading “Bethesda announces release window for Fallout: New Vegas”
With the game’s release date being tossed around by retailers, and Obsidian themselves keeping quiet, Sega seemed like our only hope for an answer. Continue reading “When is Alpha Protocol coming out? Apparently Sega doesn’t know.”
Is the information guarded by *dons glasses* Alpha Protocol?
Continue reading “Obsidian: No Comment on Mysterious Alpha Protocol Delay”