Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings – Coming to the Wii

Yes Dr. Jones obtained this random artifact. Great job!
Yes Dr. Jones obtained this random artifact. Great job!

Another oddly named Indiana Jones games is on the way, and this trailer does nothing to show how the Wii controller will be used to make this a unique experience – But we still have hope! Continue reading “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings – Coming to the Wii”

VIDEO REVIEWS: Weekly Mashup Episode 2

On this episode of the Weekly Mashup we review:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – DVD, Speed Racer – DVD, The Happening – DVD, DreamKeeper 400, and Viking Battle for Asgard – soundtrack.

Please let us know what you think!

Indy 4 looking as good as it should

And on the other side of the movie spectrum, we have an adventure movie that actually kicks butt! Indiana Jones is back (“You call him Dr. Jones!”) and he’s kicking ass major. If you still had any doubts as to whether Harrison Ford can be old and hot at the same time, they are about to be silenced!

Things are looking fantastically crisp and classic, and I think it’s safe to say that we’re in for one hell of a ride here! I can’t wait for the movie to release on May 22nd!

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