The Iron Man Samuel L. Jackson SHIELD scene!

[Update: Tony Stark aka Iron Man in The Incredible Hulk video]


If you, like me, missed the final scene of the movie because you wanted to blog about it had more important things to do, you need not fear! The ending scene has been leaked to the Internets! Check it out above!For more info on what’s going on, who’s SHIELD, what Samuel L. Jackson is doing there and what Tony Stark will most likely be getting into in Iron Man 2, hit the jump!
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YouTube Discovery

YouTube Discovery

In addition to the new tab design over at YouTube, they’ve added a new feature to their analytics tool Insight called Discovery. Discovery gives stats on how viewers found your video. By revealing how viewers found your video, producers will for the first time be able to effectively optimize their videos.

Stats like what keywords users typed in YouTube and Google search to find your video will allow producers to modify their keywords and make sure that they have the right phrases. Other interesting stats include seeing what related video brought in the most viewers to your video. All of these stats are combined through a pie graph, which allow users to directly compare percentage wise the different ways people are finding the video.

I believe that Discovery is exactly what videographers need in order to get their videos seen by as many people as possible. I’ve already modified my videos based on keyword results. In fact, Discovery showed me that half my videos are rarely being found by users through YouTube’s search engine. That could be one major reason as to why some of them they have low views.

YouTube gets new layout, “statistics”, “commentary” tabs

Youtube new tab design

Our ingenious eyes have spotted that YouTube has updated its video page layout. While the look itself isn’t dramatically different, we notice that is cleaner, neater and tidier. You also now have the ability to share on Facebook, Digg or MySpace directly! The rest of the page also functions smoothly and helps improve usability.

Of note are two new tabs; “Commentary” and “Statistics & Info”. Commentary is basically a union of the video responses and YouTube’s infamous comments that have gone down as being better reading than Victorian literature.

Statistics & Info appears to house details like how many sites have linked the video (including links to all of them) as well as stuff like how many honors it has (and which ones, specifically!).

Observing the white space to the right of the views counter, we also see a button for choosing between normal and HD resolutions – a much-requested feature! This one is currently only available on some videos (because not all videos are HD, you dummy), so don’t expect to see it everywhere.

All in all, while we’ve seen much better looking video websites, this layout is a welcome change as it makes the average day of browsing baby videos and people getting hit a more neater and tidier experience!


YouTube Goes High Def Video, but not HD

Yes great name YouTube! High definition that isn’t the high definition that we have come to know through our TV experiences. The good thing is that the videos do look much better! This YouTube high definition is definitely going to make videos viewing a much more pleasant experience.

One of the great things is that as a video producer, all I have to do is upload a video and two options will automatically be available to users – low and high quality playback! Make sure to go to your account and say that you always want high def video quality playback.

Mac vs. PC vs. Linux

The inevitable sequel is here and it introduces a new character, LINUX! These hilarious South Park style characters imitate the Mac vs. PC commercials.I know the creator of these videos, Gabriel Schwarzer, and he was absolutely dumbfounded to to see the video take off as much as it did. Currently the original video found on YouTube has over 6 million views! If you can imagine the amount of money that he could have made if YouTube shared ad revenue with him, he’d have some nice dough!

Continue reading “Mac vs. PC vs. Linux”