YouTube Discovery

YouTube Discovery

In addition to the new tab design over at YouTube, they’ve added a new feature to their analytics tool Insight called Discovery. Discovery gives stats on how viewers found your video. By revealing how viewers found your video, producers will for the first time be able to effectively optimize their videos.

Stats like what keywords users typed in YouTube and Google search to find your video will allow producers to modify their keywords and make sure that they have the right phrases. Other interesting stats include seeing what related video brought in the most viewers to your video. All of these stats are combined through a pie graph, which allow users to directly compare percentage wise the different ways people are finding the video.

I believe that Discovery is exactly what videographers need in order to get their videos seen by as many people as possible. I’ve already modified my videos based on keyword results. In fact, Discovery showed me that half my videos are rarely being found by users through YouTube’s search engine. That could be one major reason as to why some of them they have low views.

Author: DaveWeLike

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