Sony could be developing a TV service to rival cable.
Tag: CES
Microsoft Keynote CES 2010 – My Thoughts
What a pathetic opening to the Consumer Electronic Show. First there was a huge power glitch that delayed the conference.
Then when it came time to show off the Slate PC, there is really nothing to it other than it’s a large touch screen that does not feature a keyboard and runs on Windows 7.
Project Natal is going to be released on the Xbox 360 during the Holiday 2010 season.
The Game Room is a retro game arena for your Avatar. It is coming in Spring 2010.
If you saw the conference, what are your thoughts?
Soulcalibur IV: Vader, Yoda exclusive to PS3, 360 respectively
1UP has been running an exclusive recently that the one game long awaited by both fighting game fans and deviant porn aficionados, Soulcalibur IV, will feature Darth Vader and Yoda in guest appearances. No wait, what? Yes, for real. Look at the screen above and you’ll know we aren’t making this up. They packed their bags and ran to Sony’s CES, where they found out what side of the Force the two consoles fell.
The PS3 (or Darth PS3) version of Soulcalibur IV is on the Dark Side and will feature Darth Vader, while the Xbox 360 (or Jedi Master 360) version will allow players to be Yoda. While Vader fighting Ivy is enough to get gamers like me spewing liquid all over the floor, we will probably not see a Vader vs. Yoda war in Soulcalibur, unless Namco Bandai decides downloadable content is cool.
Star Wars fanboys like me will see that the Vader and Yoda models as the most realistic ones seen in video games yet (and ironically, not handled by LucasArts) – they even look better than that Force Unleashed game coming out soon. And I don’t mean to nitpick, and I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something weird about that Darth Vader model. Hmm.
If downloadable content turns out to be a reality, it will also be great to see other Star Wars characters in these photorealistic renders, preferably Obi-Wan, Darth Maul and Jar-Jar Binks.
Oh shit. Before I get sacked, here’s the Sony CES trailer to make up for the boo-boo. Note Yoda and Darth Vader in a sneak preview towards the end.
Crysis v1.1 patch online.
After what feels like forever the very long awaited patch for Crysis has been sneaked out during CES week. While most of the games journalists of the world have been looking at this years big up and coming titles the 140mb patch found its way onto a few websites. What isnt listed is a fix for the sound stuttering and mute issues during online play and a fix for the AA vehicle destroying itself when it fires. We can only hope. Also nothing has been said to its compatibility with the recently released MP map pack.
– Damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW has been made consistent
– F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well
– When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will not be in a permanently raised position anymore
– Memory leaks and potential crashes
– Improved SLI / Crossfire support and performance
– Improved overall rendering performance (DX9 and DX10)
– Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10
– Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
– Clamped water tessellation to avoid cheating in MP
– Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
– Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly
Credit goes to Shacknews for the bug fix list.
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Sony says Skype on PSP possible!
If skyping on your PSP was a fantasy you dearly cherished, you will be pleased to know that it has reached fruition. The site for Sony’s upcoming CES showing says that the Skype messaging client will be available for the PSP. This would almost turn the PSP into a pseudo-phone that actually works better than the crap N-Gage!
We don’t have details about it now, but I suppose official word should be enough here. While this is an exciting feature to have for a PSP, the ability to use Skype anywhere in the world from your handheld game system is something worth buying the PSP for!
OK, maybe not. No, we’re not paid by Sony.
[Via Engadget]