Editing With David

So what is it like to edit video with me? Apparently I made a video while I was editing the StuffWeLike.com Podcast Mashup episode. I’m not recommending that you watch this video, but I just found it in my account and it completely surprised me. I remember recording it but I never saw the video previously on Ustream and now it’s up. So here you go…

Blog Modifications

Wordpress Logo

You know if anyone told me that blogs were fun, I’d have to punch them in the nose. They’re tourchorous because you can do slight modifications so easily! That’s what I’ve been doing ever since we launched the blog in February!!! Every time I think there I’m done, it looks great, yeah right! It’s never done. It’s constantly evolving (hopefully for the better) and yet I receive few comments on them. So this time I beg you to save my insanity and write 1 comment saying yes David, now you can go die peacefully.

‘Glory Days 2’ and ‘Nervous Brickdown’ Nintendo DS Reviews

Every gamer knows that summertime sucks. It’s rare that good games come out anytime between June-August. Well this is one of those rare times as I’ve got two games that I highly recommend! Watch the full reviews below:

As I wait for the next earthquake

We just had a magnitude 4.5 earthquake, thankfully it came in 2 waves totaling less than 2-5 second. The epicenter was Chatsworth and I’m in Los Angeles. That’s a pretty great distance! I’d doubt it this was related to the 7.5 Indonesian quake earlier today, but still good times. Now I’ll be awake for a few more minutes before I head off to bed again.Here’s the map.