Space Station Frontier HD costs $4.99 Continue reading “Space Station Frontier HD – iPad Game Review”
Category: iPad
Star Wars iPad Briefing
A long time ago, in a galaxy blah blah away… Big Jobs does his best to convince a skeptical Rebel Alliance that the i-Pad really is a game changer.
Hollywood Hospital iPhone Game Review
Hollywood Hospital is available on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad. It includes 35 levels and costs $1.99.
iPad Virus Afoot [Updated]
The iPad is the latest tech hit with its shiny, touch sensitive surface, crazy umber of available apps and viruses. Wait, what? Continue reading “iPad Virus Afoot [Updated]”
How to Print from an iPad
Brilliant! Does that come in app form? Continue reading “How to Print from an iPad”
Civilization Revolution – iPad Review
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution is published by 2k Games. It costs $12.99. Continue reading “Civilization Revolution – iPad Review”