Christian Bale Rant

Christian Bale American Psycho

Ever since we heard Christian Bale was attached to Terminator 4, we knew the film had some major potential. Regretably Bale had a ‘small’ incident while filming that has leaked out onto the internet. Continue reading “Christian Bale Rant”

E3 2008 Show Floor Highlights

E3 wouldn’t be one of the best video game conventions around if it wasn’t for the show floor. The show floor allows attendees to experience the video games they had only once heard about.

So how did this year’s show floor stack up?

Not that well. If I actually rated it, I would say F. Yes I FAILED the show floor. Most game companies had their own private showings with exclusive demos, which made the actual show floor pointless. That’s not to say there weren’t interesting games.