Botched up British Law allows kids to buy whatever videos they want

A rather silly hiccup in the UK has made purchasing adult games and videos legal for any age. Continue reading “Botched up British Law allows kids to buy whatever videos they want”

MusicSkins a better way to protect and coolify things!

Everyone knows what vinyl decals and stickers are; but who knew they could look so good on consoles, phones, guitars and many other necessities to the average gamer. A Company called MusicSkins makes dreams come true with their attractive and adhesive protective stickers they make for hundreds of consumer electronics.

We were so lucky to adhere a few of there products and see them work in everyday use and action.

Here is my iPhone rockin’ a Bob Marly Sticker; it keeps in thin, and keep the chrome apple logo on the back shiny and clean as if the phone is a day old.


We also have a ‘Lil Wayne Guitar skin, install is easy; no real prep required, and they really do look great!

Prices vary; and if you are looking for something to add some serious protection and a custom look offers a huge variety of products to do just that as well as protect from scratches, scuffs, and common ware and tear.

Bookworm Adventures 2 Coming Very Soon


Lex gets into an all-new adventure and it’s coming out pretty soon! Grab your dictionary!
Continue reading “Bookworm Adventures 2 Coming Very Soon”