Exclusive Interview with ‘Ratfist’ creator Doug TenNapel

Ratfist is back on the Stuff We Like menu with an exclusive chat with the webcomic’s creator, Doug TenNapel. Continue reading “Exclusive Interview with ‘Ratfist’ creator Doug TenNapel”

Is It Curtains for ‘Two and a Half Men’?

Well, it finally happened. Charlie Sheen pushed the folks who run the hit CBS show Two and a Half Men – of which he is the star – too far. Continue reading “Is It Curtains for ‘Two and a Half Men’?”

Felicia Day Stars in Dragon Age Web-Series

Today’s news announced the upcoming release of Dragon Age: Redemption starring Felicia Day as the Elven Assassin, Tallis. The web series is gaining a lot of buzz, as Dragon Age is considered one of the most iconic fantasy games out there. BioWare is releasing a second installment to the Dragon Age game series later this year. Dragon Age II is set to hit stores March 8th.

“I’m a huge Dragon Age fan,” said Day of the product. “I was thrilled when the opportunity to work with BioWare materialized. Dragon Age: Redemption allows me to tell a fantasy story in a new way, using a universe I really love. It has been a dream working together.”

With fantastical sets, superb Actors, and an epic fantasy storyline this web series is sure to get Dragon Age fans excited. Day will unveil Dragon Age: Redemption on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Wednesday February 16th.