First Look at Gerard Butler in Game

Gerard Butler!

Gerard Butler: ever since 300’s first trailer came out, he has been seen on dictionary entries for “awesome”. Butler will be next seen doing awesome shit in Game from Lionsgate studios. As the name suggests, the movie will be about a game, but judging by the first photo released (that you see above), it is going to be a far cry from Game Over and most other abysmal video-game-inspired movies.

In Game, we see a huge uber-violent multiplayer game called Slayers, that involves real death row inmates. Butler plays Kabel, one such inmate who must go through what must be one hell of an adventure of death, fury and destruction. Funny thing is, Kabel will be completely controlled by a nerdy teen, who, going by our experiences with Halo, will be screaming expletives while munching on potato chips and tacos.

No, seriously: Kabel will have to fight the creator of the maniacal game and overthrow the system, while at the same time being entirely controlled as a sim character. This is a very promising concept that should most likely go pretty well. The photo above seems to suggest that a bit of 300 style will be applied here as well, which can only be good. The plot also sounds pretty similar to Death Race, starring Jason Statham. Personally, I’d prefer this to Death Race.

The plot also sounds unusually similar to Unreal Tournament and its sequels. In UT, we see a futuristic gladiatorial tournament where humans, aliens, mutated humans and other such beings fight each other for fame, glory and fortune in a ultra-violent killing frenzy of a tournament relished by seemingly adolescent viewers across the globe. Interestingly, the background on some of the characters in UT2003 says that they were prisoners and were forcibly entered into the tournament.

Whatever the case, this is one movie to watch out for. It is scheduled for release this year, although we have practically no information about it, such as more photos, a trailer or anything like that…

Hustle – Returns for season five

For those who are unfamiliar with Hustle it’s a TV show from the UK about a group of con artists who each episode try out an even more far fetched scam to take someones cash. The catch is they have to be evil in a way, or a jerk. The show which was picked up in the US will be back for a 5th season it has been reported although the cast is to change yet again.
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Lost Zombies: Zombie videos go Web 2.0

Unknown Zombie

Zombies. They’re everywhere. And even today, people think that they are merely monsters in horror movies and content matter for horror movie parodies. Fools. All of them. One day, the zombie apocalypse will take the lives of millions of humans from all over Earth. But a bold step has been taken to prevent this: Lost Zombies.

A fine cross between Zombie Awareness and Web 2.0, Lost Zombies encourages you to post any proof you have about zombies, in photos or videos. Hit the jump to know more about what you can do to save the world.

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Top 5 Wii-Fit Tips


GamePeople explores Wii-Fit.

Video gaming that gets you to exercise is exactly what you needed to get in shape for summer! Now fast forward three weeks. The balance board has a home at the side of the TV and makes a tempting ebay item, unused and unwanted. What happened in those three weeks to make the savior of your health and fitness goals turn into handy plant stand?

To understand this we must start with the first principle of why you bought Wii-Fit. Most people are not too concerned at how much they weigh, don’t care what their BMI is, or know what BMI means. In my experience most people are driven by the promise of a trim, attractive body without all the flabby bits. Yes, exercise offers the chance to be young and sexy again, but there is a cost, you actually have to do it and over an extended period of time. When starting out with exercise you have a clear idea of how you want to look and your motivation and enthusiasm is at an all time high. However, the results are slow in coming, you cannot see any changes in the mirror and the scales haven’t budged, but and the effort and pain are real and immediate.

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FOX’s Fringe – Coming August


As an extra youtube upfronts video Fringe is the Fox promotional trailer lasting several
minutes for the next J.J. Abrams show. While it looks a lot like a remake of The X-Files,
Fringe does seem to be trying to distance itself from other shows of a similar nature like
The Inside. What does seem to be a recurring theme is just as usual J.J. is using some
of the same actors as in his other shows and movies, this time taking a recent addition to
Lost as can be seen in this trailer. 

The basic idea for Fringe is a show where someone investigates supernatural occurrences in the United States. It sounds extremely similar to that of The X-Files where two people investigates supernatural occurrences in the United States.

While we would love to be able to give you a direct link to the video youtube is removing it everytime it’s added to their website so a quick youtube search is required rather than a direct link in this case.

What does this mean for you? Well in this case it’s not complicated. You can watch
the trailer if you wish and get a taste for Fox’s show coming out in August.