Morgan Webb Exits Web Video

Morgan Webb
When searching for Morgan Webb images, I could only find images like these. It's amazing baby.

The X-Play host is done for now, but that’s not because of her show’s viewership and ad revenue. has an interview with Webb going into detail about why she has stopped her online show Webb Alert.

Webb: My TV show went from producing 3 episodes a week to 5, so my work responsibility increased a great deal. Doing X-Play, plus any specials like our week-long GDC and E3 coverage, as well as WA became exhausting.

It’s a bummer to hear, but nonetheless she’s going to continue to shine on G4’s X-Play.

Would you prefer to stay on a successful TV show or jump strictly onto the web video band wagon? I think I’d stick with the TV show. Hopefully she’ll come back to the web sometime in the future. Independence is always a great thing.

Author: DaveWeLike

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