The game that was flip flopping all over the place, apparently is actually being made. Yeah and it doesn’t look that bad either!
I honestly can’t wait. The game takes place 30 years after Nemesis. You get to work your way up to Captain. You get to control your character across planets, go aboard your ship, and then fly it around space.
Create your own race or go with a race we’ve already seen (Humans, Vulcans, and everyone else). Customize your ships and characters. At launch you can be part of Star Fleet or the Klingon Empire. Combat, exploration, tactical actions are all here.
The graphics look solid for an MMO.
Still no news on when it will be released. Below is the video conference held by the developer Cryptic Studios at the Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas.
Star Trek Online Las Vegas Webcast from Cryptic Studios on Vimeo.