There can only be one – Remake!


 This should be the last remake news for a while, we hope! This one should
be a no-brainer in terms of people’s reactions. What should be considered one
of the best movies of the last 100 years, Highlander is to be remade.
While the sequels and TV shows can be forgiven and in some cases considered
good having the original remade is a big mistake.

The good news is that the guys behind Iron Man are going to write it but
the problem is that Highlander is a film in its own category. While they can
tweak some of the script to remove a bit of the soap opera from the story
in the past if there is no Queen soundtrack then the film should not be made.

The recent Highlander: The Source sequel movie with a new band doing
a Queen cover proved that one and just how painful it would be to watch.
One thing which will be even more amusing will be the casting announcements.
If other recent remakes and sequels are any indication there will be at least one
rapper cast in a major role who has no acting experience and an actor who
doesn’t fit in the lead.

Perhaps it might be Bow Wow as Ramerez and Leo DiCaprio
as Connor ‘The Highlander’ MacLeod. If the casting director is reading this then
they should consider perhaps Dennis Quaid as the highlander and Chuck Norris
as Ramirez if Sean Connery is unavailable.

What does this mean for you? If you have not seen the original movie and don’t
want to shout at the remake then don’t watch the original first. Chances are you
won’t forgive yourself for watching the remake after finding the quality of the original movie.

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