Bloopers Mashup – StuffWeLike Fall 07 Videos

As the new Spring semester for college creeps up on us, I became depressed. My free time will dwindle away, but the good thing is that I’ll be able to make more internet videos!

I mashed up Mr. Lifeless, Gazmo and Friends, and Two Males and a Killer Whale bloopers all into one video. This is all never before seen stuff so enjoy our stupidity!

Best of 2007 – March

Our Best of 2007 series continues with March!

March 2007 was a time of expansion. We tried to grow to new frontiers. While some worked and others didn’t, it’s all another chapter in the history of StuffWeLike.

Best of 2007:
JanuaryFebruaryMarch April May


The Pipeline Club
Syndicate The Pipeline and get free advertising for it; why wouldn’t you want to?! That was the idea behind The Pipeline Club.

StuffWeLike Video Cast #11
After 10 episodes, you’d think we could make these things with a flick of a wrist! That’s apparently not the case. This episode featured the team going to a Seagate tournament. We didn’t set the audio to come from the handheld microphone so tons of background noise ensues and we get a useless episode. What a waste.

Our Media player gets a name
When we launched The Pipeline, we didn’t really have a name for it. It was just a mixture of videos uploaded by StuffWeLike. We realized that websites didn’t want to syndicate a player called so we came up with the name The Pipeline. Yes it was really that simple.

Danny “Falls” Down stairs
This is another long story about the a**holes of the StuffWeLike team. When I was attending the Game Developer Conference, I sent an instant message to Mark Gravender. His replied message said that Danny Baruela fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital. The next day I found out that it was Danny who wrote that message and meant it as a joke. These sort of “jokes” are totally not funny.

The Fatman Comes to StuffWeLike
The composer of the PC game The 7th Guest allowed us to air its music on the Video Game Music channel.

The Pipeline breaks the 5k mark! Yippeee

The Pipeline menu change
Looking back on what The Pipeline used to look like, I laugh and run away.

The Dorms
My first fictional video since The Next-Generation of Heroes. Damn I play a lot of whinny characters. 😉

Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive
Oh Power Rangers, when will you die? The new season of Power Rangers begins and it taints the brand name yet again.

Command & Conquer 3
I’m a huge fan of the Command & Conquer series, but I hated C&C Generals. Thankfully EA relaunched the series with C&C3 and they got things right! Of course I have still yet to purchase the game…

StuffWeLike Conquers Digg, Digg Kicks StuffWeLike in the Crotch VS

If you’ve been trying to access for the past several hours, the site has been offline. Yesterday I submitted Ted Stokes’ interview with Valve’s Marketing Director Doug Lambardi to the popular website. Seeing that the article was getting a few diggs in a couple of hours, I was content and went to bed.When I woke up the next morning around 9am Garbled Zombie and I were talking about how the post reached around 38 diggs, the highest digg count for any of our previously submitted articles. Out of no where the article reached 50 diggs and within minutes hit 100!

We were both ecstatic, but then StuffWeLike shut down. Yes we hit our CPU Quota. The traffic didn’t stop pouring in. I frantically decided to upgrade our servers. A little over 7 hours and almost 2000 diggs later the website came back online.

Yes, StuffWeLike got the crap kicked out of it also known as the ‘Digg Effect’, but we’re back with a vengeance!

Now that you know the story, also know that we’re trying our best to stay online and will continue to update the blog.

Thanks for your patience.

Best of 2007 – January

Starting today, we’ll be revealing our best posts of 2007. Technically speaking we didn’t start posting in this blog until late February 2007. All the posts before that month came from either my older video game development blog or reviews from the older designs.

Best of 2007:
JanuaryFebruaryMarch April May

January 2007

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

A fantastic game, that was one of the first worthwhile $60 purchases on the Xbox 360.

Star Trek Legacy
While not perfect, this game is great for both strategy enthusiasts and Star Trek fans.

Thumb Us

Ever wanted to know what good videos we have on our media player? If you didn’t realize it, everyday the player is being updated with new content. We now invite you to rate our content with a thumbs up or a thumbs down!

Honestly if you hate our videos let us know and we’ll never make them again – or try to make them better.

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