No I didn’t forget about this series, I’ve been on vacation in Miami so things have been hectic but fun! July 2007 saw the return of E3, a time when the video game industry goes out to a formal ball.
5th TMNT Movie in the works
The CGI movie actually earned enough money for talks to begin on yet another sequel. Damn I really loved the live action film. The CGI film can kiss my ass.
Iraqis Enjoy Games
Is there a coincidence that there have been less casualties in Iraq after this post was made? Sit terrorists in front of video games and they won’t blow up real people. It’s the truth.
Touch of the Dead
Zombies gone terribly wrong. A game only the DS can provide. Great…
Fallout 3
Can you believe that this game is real? 2007 was an amazing year for hardcore gamers that have been craving sequels to old games. Starcraft 2 and Fallout 3. Later we’ll reveal Duke Nukem Forever for the third time!
Mortal Kombat Armageddon Giveaway
We hold our first giveaway contest with Mortal Kombat Armageddon as the prize! To bad no one entered…
What previously would have been the month for the big video game expo E3 is now a mere filler in the year. Continue on we must in our Best of 2007 series. Welcome to May.
GameTap Goes Free
With competition increasing in the digital distribution field, GameTap releases a free version of its service. It would be nice if this free version actually worked, but oh well.
Microsoft Announces Silverlight
In the internet realm, there really are no standards formats. Microsoft heats up the video market with its version of what is basically Flash called Silverlight.
Everybody Loves Raymond
I discover that I love Raymond as well. Yeah I know the show came on the air and went off years ago, but for some reason I now truly appreciate it.
Starcraft II Announced
In another shocking event Blizzard announces the wildly anticipated Starcraft II. Don’t expect it anytime soon though. Command & Conquer is a better series anyway.
NiGHTS Sequel Coming Soon
After years of speculation the Nights sequel is finally announced and the world cheers!
Justin Brogan Comes Back
The first podcast co-host Justin Brogan rejoins StuffWeLike as a blogge. One of the reasons why he left StuffWeLike was because his microphone broke. This was also a reason why the audio podcast ended. No, I’m not pointing the blame finger…
Shiwan Khan Comes Back
No this isn’t The Next-Generation of Heroes Season 3, but it’s just as good. Jon April who played Shiwan Khan in NGH comes back to the site that made him a star and this time he’s a blogger.
Hitman Movie In Production
If you ever thought Hitman was going to be a good movie, you’re just dumb. The movie was rushed in everyway! The movie was officially announced to be in production and then 6 months later it was released. What kind of quality do you think this film would have? Joins The Pipeline
What at the time seemed like a match made in Heaven, eSportsTV joined The Pipeline in sharing some of their coverage of video game tournaments. Then after the initial launch, they never sent any new footage over nor returned my emails. So a couple of months later we ditched them.
Arcades on the Rise
For the first time in years, it’s reported that the arcade industry is growing with new arcades popping up across the US! Support your local arcade!
Virginia Tech Shootings
The Virgina Tech shootings occur and the world panics and mourns some more. RIP
Blake Elens Comes Back
A long time StuffWeLike member comes to help out on the site once again
E3: Game Over
E3 officially announces it only has 32 exhibitors compared to the previous year of 400+. E3 is dead.
StuffWeLike Podcast #13
We return to Universal Citywalk to cover The Lord of the Rings Online launch. Thankfully this time our audio works great!
March 2007 was a time of expansion. We tried to grow to new frontiers. While some worked and others didn’t, it’s all another chapter in the history of StuffWeLike.
The Pipeline Club
Syndicate The Pipeline and get free advertising for it; why wouldn’t you want to?! That was the idea behind The Pipeline Club.
StuffWeLike Video Cast #11
After 10 episodes, you’d think we could make these things with a flick of a wrist! That’s apparently not the case. This episode featured the team going to a Seagate tournament. We didn’t set the audio to come from the handheld microphone so tons of background noise ensues and we get a useless episode. What a waste.
Our Media player gets a name
When we launched The Pipeline, we didn’t really have a name for it. It was just a mixture of videos uploaded by StuffWeLike. We realized that websites didn’t want to syndicate a player called so we came up with the name The Pipeline. Yes it was really that simple.
Danny “Falls” Down stairs
This is another long story about the a**holes of the StuffWeLike team. When I was attending the Game Developer Conference, I sent an instant message to Mark Gravender. His replied message said that Danny Baruela fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital. The next day I found out that it was Danny who wrote that message and meant it as a joke. These sort of “jokes” are totally not funny.
The Fatman Comes to StuffWeLike
The composer of the PC game The 7th Guest allowed us to air its music on the Video Game Music channel.
The Pipeline breaks the 5k mark! Yippeee
The Pipeline menu change
Looking back on what The Pipeline used to look like, I laugh and run away.
The Dorms
My first fictional video since The Next-Generation of Heroes. Damn I play a lot of whinny characters. 😉
Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive
Oh Power Rangers, when will you die? The new season of Power Rangers begins and it taints the brand name yet again.
Command & Conquer 3
I’m a huge fan of the Command & Conquer series, but I hated C&C Generals. Thankfully EA relaunched the series with C&C3 and they got things right! Of course I have still yet to purchase the game…
Continuing with our Best of 2007 series, we take a look back at February. This month was the official start of the blog so from here on out we’ll have some fairly long lists of our top posts.
The Divine PR Exposition
The Divine is a PC game that a group of friends and I were working on. At 1am we launched a PR campaign with tons of screenshots, a trailer, wallpapers and random other stuff. That was an exciting and fun day. All day long we rushed to complete everything as the countdown clock ran on the website. To bad we missed our own deadline by an hour. Video Cast #10
This makes it onto the list because this video cast episode was the last time Spencer Beebe was a host. We’ll miss you Spencer!
Welcome to 7.0
StuffWeLike officially launches version 7.0 of the website. This version includes the blog, although back then it looked totally different!
Fantastic Four 2 – Better than the FF1?
At the time it seemed as if Fantastic Four 2 could really kick ass compared to the first one. With the death defying Silver Surfer the movie looked solid. To bad trailers lie.
The Pipeline Has Bad Music
When we first started The Pipeline we had it automatically load and blast some music. Apparently people don’t like coming onto a website where music automatically begins to play. Who da figure?
News in The Pipeline
The Pipeline was the reason why I jumped on and changed the focus on StuffWeLike in 3 days. It was a very drastic move, but I just feel in love with the capabilities of the player. One of the first things that I tried was posting text press releases in the player itself rather than the blog. I thought it was cool, but later I found out that no one cared. Yay for me.
Video Game Music Channel created
Still experimenting with the boundaries of The Pipeline, I created one of my favorite shows on it the Video Game Music Channel. Ever since I started StuffWeLike, I’ve always wanted to do a internet radio show. While I did have a brief experience in that realm with version 2 of the website, this was the first time that I had full control over every aspect. Thankfully no lawyers have come knocking at my door yet!