Now that E3 is over, video game news is going to die down and get dull. Continue reading “E3 2010 is Over, Now What?”
Tag: e3 2010
Xbox 360 Slim Unpacking
Unpacking the Xbox 360 Slim. Microsoft sent an Xbox 360 250 gigabyte model to attendees at its E3 2010 Media Briefing.
E3 2010 Favorite Parts
Meteoradrew asked me what my favorite part of E3 2010 is. Here is my response.
E3 2010 is OVER
Finally E3 2010 is done. Continue reading “E3 2010 is OVER”
What happens when Asia units and fights the US? We get free communism parking and Bulletstorm burgers? Welcome to Homefront. Ok not really… Continue reading “Homefront”
Packing Up E3 2010
Saying goodbye is always difficult.