The first hour of gameplay from Lost Planet 3. Continue reading “Gameplay: Lost Planet 3 Part 1”
Tag: Capcom
This Just In: Lost Planet 3
When would you like me to livestream Lost Planet 3? Let me know in the comments section below!
Lost Planet 3: Bill Watterson Interview
Video Game News: No Capcom Ports on Wii U
Capcom senior vice president Christian Svensson said “With regard to Wii U, in general we’re looking forward, not back so late ports are generally not on the table.” That means potentially no Resident Evil 6 or Lost Planet 3.
Capcom Gamescon 2012 Conference
Missed the Capcom Gamescom 2012 Conference? Well you can watch highlights here. Continue reading “Capcom Gamescon 2012 Conference”
Dragon’s Dogma Walkthrough
The graphics and navigation might not be all that great, but damn this game has cool bosses! Continue reading “Dragon’s Dogma Walkthrough”