We Like Movies

The Pipeline is expanding into new waters! We’re working on several new shows that will expand the potential audience of The Pipeline greatly. The first new show to start us off is called ‘Movie Clips.’ From the name I’m sure you can guess what kind of video content it contains.

As of right now this show features a mash-up of video clips from:
Are We There Yet?
Bridge To Terabithia
Meet The Robinsons
Dead Silence

This Week On: Lost – Expose

If there is only one way to describe this latest episode of Lost it’s – FABULOUS! Seriously this episode tied up a ton of the story – there’s still more than a ton left – and best of all was the completely unexpected ending! One of the worst ways to die was in this episode and damn was it worthwhile!

*Spoiler – I think the one of the worst ways to die is being buried alive.

This Week on: Smallville – Promise

Wow just wow. After six years of waiting for the moment, Lana finally knows Clark’s “secret.” Of course she’s then forced to go through with her marriage with Lex Lurthor as Lex’s father Lionel threatens Lana that he will kill Clark if she does not marry Lex. Aparrently Lana is not carrying Lex’s child inside her, but rather a monster that Lurthorcorp somehow created.

Poor Lana. She always gets hurt in each episode, but damn did this episode truly suck for her. 🙁