Indiana Jones is back, in Lego form!

Lego Indiana Jones

Ah Indy, you’ve given us joy and adventure for years. You may be old now, but your visage will forever been in our hearts… in block form. Yes Traveller’s Tales has announced yet ANOTHER Lego game to be released. Besides Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars, Traveller’s Tales is going to be developing an Indiana Jones Legos game based on the first three movies. Not much is known about the release itself, but expect a Wii, 360, PS3, and perhaps a DS and PSP release sometime next summer.

The game seems to follow the tried and true format of the last two Lego Star Wars games, with focus on Indy. I’m certain there’ll be more characters to play as and extensive use of Airplanes, Horses, motorcycles, and even Indy’s Whip through out the game’s three stories. Again, not much is known, but the trailer LucasArts released shows a few small segments of gameplay with Indiana swinging on vines, shooting his pistol, and running from a boulder. Looks like fun, but I hope it gets released with Online Co-op like they’re doing with Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

[Via: Source]

Nintendo Wi-Fi Issues Solved

Well that’s what OneClick claims to have fixed…

Up until now, we’ve had to go through the trouble of finding different ways to communicate with our friends to trade friendcodes and play online. But now all of that has changed, thanks to the newest WFC website, “OneClick Wi-Fi.” Featuring over 65 different Wi-Fi compatible games, it offers one of the biggest game selections to connect with friends on the internet. In addition, the “Play Now” feature that allows you connect to friends and other members live, without the hassle of setting up game appointments via messaging.

After a short registration process, you can enter your different codes into your account; these can easily be accessible by your friends via viewing your profile. Afterwards, you can enter yourself in the different game rooms for Play Now, then simply click on the game you wish to play to view all other members wanting to play the same game. Just one click is all it takes with OneClick WiFi.

Not only does OneClick Wi-Fi provide a fast way to connect with friends and others to play games, but it contains a distinct community aspect as well. The site offers a custom-built forum with a sleek layout, which allows users to build their own groups with individual forums, so you and your friends can have your own private area. The forums were built to provide the best possible experience for the users.

Aside from “OneClick” communication and user-friendly interface, the News section gives daily updates concerning both that of the site and of different Nintendo news. News is also placed into different categories so you can easily browse through whatever specific news you’d like to read about. Once logged into your account you can customize news to display only articles that you want to see. It’s a great place to find out anything big going on with Nintendo.

If you thought there couldn’t be any more to a single website, you’re wrong. There are multiple utilities and tools that go even deeper into the user interface, customizable calendar events to mark important days, a “challenge” feature that lets you challenge other members in different games at specific times, and SO much more. And if you require help, OneClick Wi-Fi has a documentation that covers “How-To’s” on the site. If the documents don’t help you, OneClick provides 24 hour assistance from it’s moderators and administrators. OneClick Wi-Fi is definitely one of the best places to hook up with friends, chat in forums, and have fun.

Video Game Review Compilation

What if I reviewed Lord of the Rings Online, Ancient Sparta, Infernal, Stalker, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Hitman Trilogy, Zendoku, Armored Core 4, Bullet Witch, and Shining Force EXA? Would it be possible to do it under 6 minutes? Yes, yes it is, but that might not necessarily be a good thing…

E3 Videos

We’ve been working around the clock to bring you as many E3 07 videos as possible! As such we now have tons of videos related to Nintendo’s Press Briefing Conference that was held earlier today. Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Fit, the Zapper are only some of the videos available for your viewing pleasures!

We’ve also uploaded some new videos from Electronics Arts: Army of Two and The Simpsons game.

Oh and don’t forget Microsoft! Halo 3 yada yada… It’s all there.

Sony related videos will be going online tomorrow.

E3 07 Predictions


E3 is only days away and I’m here to tell you what’s going to happen with the BIG 3 Consoles.

We already know what games each system will have for its Holiday launch lineup: Halo 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Lair. For all 3 consoles E3 will focus on the lineup for 2008 and beyond.

With the Wii there’s already Mario, Zelda, and Metroid – so what’s next? We’re not going to be seeing sequels to any of these titles, it will be all about the spin-offs. Mario Kart is a must. Since both the Wii and Mario Kart scream,”Party time!” it’s a no-brainer. We could also see Nintendo going to their secondary stars Donkey Kong and Starfox, although a big show stealer could be a new Pilot Wings or Wave Race game. Nintendo could also show off some indie games for its upcoming WiiWare channel. Nintendo themselves could be developing games for this downloading service. Potentially sequels to their low profile games like Luigi’s Mansion and Pikmin. Hopefully they’ll solve the storage issue that the Wii faces in light of this and the Virtual Console services.

Halo 3

On the Xbox 360 front, I predict Microsoft will be stealing the show. Halo 3 is Halo 3. Future titles such as Alan Wake will expand games into the territory of compelling storytelling with satisfying action-adventure gameplay. Not only that, but titles such as Atari’s Alone In The Dark 4 will show that the 360 doesn’t have to rely on shooter games to survive. Microsoft will tout its Xbox Live system and it’s casual games service, as Microsoft aims to broaden the appeal of the Xbox 360 to all types of gamers.



A lot will be going on in the Sony camp as they try and reposition themselves in the gaming market. They have to show off a new slim PSP model that will compete with Nintendo’s DS Lite. Other than that they need to prove that KillZone 2 looks just as good as the 2005 E3 trailer did. Remember the “Is it pre-rendered or in-game?” fiasco? Well, now is the time for Sony to prove that those were in-game graphics. For Sony it won’t be about showing we have X sequels – well, maybe I’m wishing too much, maybe that’s for E3 08. I hope that Sony realizes that it needs original and exclusive titles in order to compete with Xbox 360 and Wii. I won’t predict anything else for the Playstation because I expect them to talk about many things that have never been seen before.

In the end E3 07 will be about showing off why gamers need to own all 3 consoles. Each manufacturer will sell itself out to prove how their console is different if they want to keep up with the competition for seasons to come.