Two New Shows

With the success of the StuffWeLike Media Player, we’ve expanded our lineup to now featuring ‘Movie Trailers’ and ‘Live Events.’ Movie trailers shows trailers for upcoming movies. Live Events shows events that were filmed on some location other than our dorm, usually a special event.

In related news we’ve uploaded The Making of Myst video that came with the game back when it was released in the early ’90s.

Fantastic Four 2 TV Spot

Could a sequel be better than the first movie?

Can a sequel be better than the first movie?

It appears that it can. If Fantastic Four 2 proves to be as hilarious as this one-linear joke Marvel fans will rejoice for they will have two great movies (including Spiderman 3) coming later this year. You can find the TV Spot at here.

Overall I liked Fanastic Four, but it did have several flaws. Hopefully this sequel can improve upon it…