Night of the Animated Dead

Night of the Animated Dead presents an interesting idea. What if classic live action films were turned into animated films for modern day audiences? Kind of like the reverse of what Disney is doing with its animated films turning them into live action flicks. Retell the same story almost shot for shot.

It’s not a bad idea, but ideally the animation would be on par with the quality of the original film. This is where Night of the Animated Dead doesn’t fully work. I guess you have to like the animation style in order to now like the movie. The animation is similar to the style of the TV show Archer. So if you’re into that show imagine a lot more blood and you’ll like Night of the Animated Dead.

Thankfully the other elements such as story and voice over acting do their job and hold up the film. Night of the Animated Dead is not perfect, but it’s an unique take.

The Bluray does include one special feature called Making of the Animated Dead.

Author: DaveWeLike

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