Bluray Review: Upside Down

We rarely review love stories here on StuffWeLike, but Upside Down has a new twist that is visually breath-taking. Imagine two planets so close to each other that you could see the surface from the opposite planet. Of course each planet has its own unique gravity. Those from one planet would still be pulled from their own planet’s gravity as they visit the other planet. So literally everything on the other planet would be upside down for them. Insert a typical boy meets girl story and you’ve got Upside Down.

That being said while the premise can capture your imagination, the story itself is weak. It’s led by dull characters and mediocre dialog. The only gem here is the world. It’s beautiful to look at. It’s simply a shame that so much time went into the crafting this instead of improving the basics of the film.

The special features are decent. Many of them focus on the visuals of the film, which is fine but once you’ve seen one video about how they made x CGI scene, do you really want to see another video about an additional CGI scene? It kinda gets old pretty fast.

Upside Down is a film that I recommend you see just because it’s visually stimulating. More than likely you’ll never watch it again, so I’d say rent it.

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

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