I’ll admit it. I misjudged this show. If you read the last post I did on American Pickers, I was pretty harsh and critical of the series and it’s two pickers Mike and Frank. But after watching this volume, I really think I may have been a little two hard on these men. And it’s all thanks to a little series called Storage Wars.
So, Frank and Mike run around the country looking for old barn, houses, and sheds that may contains antiques and pieces of Americana. Most of the folks who own these items are men in their 70s, 80s, or 90s, and Frank and Mike haggle with them to get items for the cheapest price possible. A lot of the stuff they obtain is pretty cool, and they do work hard to get the best deal they can.
But here’s the part that made me change my mind about the show. On Storage Wars they “estimate” how much they can get from each item they discover in the storage lockers. On American Pickers they do the same thing. I suddenly realized (oh, dopey me) that they keep saying “I think I can get x dollars out if this,” or “This is probably worth x.” It doesn’t mean they will get it, it’s just a price they would like to get. So these may be higher estimates than they will get in the end.
This made me feel better about the show. I no longer feel that they are ripping off old men. And a lot of the old men they come across in this volume are pretty stubborn when it comes the price they want for their items. It actually gets comical at times watching these two try and get the lowest price they can for someone’s junk.
This volume also features a special episode with William Shatner, which is pretty fun to watch, especially when he rolls his eyes after every lame Star Trek reference Mike and Frank toss his way.
I recommend American Pickers: Volume Four. It’s very entertaining and educational.
American Pickers: Volume Four is available NOW on DVD!
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen Mike and Frank find? Leave a comment and let us know!