As the DC Universe both comes to a close and begins a new and Marvel unleashes an infestation of spiders onto Manhattan another Wednesday is almost upon us and it is heralded by a list of everything that is scheduled to arrive on sale at your local comic shop this week. Also, click here for a list of last week’s releases and reviews.
NOTE: Because of Hurricane Irene certain stores may not receive their scheduled inventory by Wednesday.
Mario’s Picks Of The Week!
10) INVINCIBLE #82 (Image Comics)
Written by Robert Kirkman, Art by Ryan Ottley
After the Dino adventure, look to this issue to be a bridge or down time leading into the next story. Still one of my favorite and most consistently entertaining comic series, Invincible is big time fun for those into kick ass superheroes without the baggage of a massive shared universe.
9) ULTIMATE COMICS HAWKEYE #1 OF 4 (Marvel Comics)
Written by Jonathan Hickman, Art by Rafa Sandoval
Yet another Ultimate Comics relaunch title, this is Hawkeye’s first solo adventure. I look forward to an action adventure for the Ultimates’ premier marksman. If you picked up last week’s Ultimate #1, also by Hickman, then expect to see at least a little crossover.
8 ) WARLORD OF MARS FALL OF BARSOOM #2 (Dynamite Entertainment)
Written by Robert Place Napton, Art by Roberto Castro
After seeing the trailers for the upcoming Disney movie of the same franchise staring former Dillon Panther, Tim Riggins, I have developed an interest in the character and I hope that this series will turn my curiosity into a desire to see more.
7) HAUNT #17 (Image Comics)
Written by Robert Kirkman, Art by Greg Capullo
As Kirkman wraps up his run on this mildly supernatural shoot ’em up book, look to see loose ends wrapped up and more unraveled as we segway into the next creative team. Seriously though, this book reminded me of the old 90’s comics I used to read where guns and tits rules all, but that could just be the art direction since the story is HEAVY on a bond between brothers.
6) SECRET AVENGERS #16 (Marvel Comics)
Written by Nick Spencer, Art by Jamie McKelvie
Comics wunderkind Nick Spencer unleashes yet another new comic this month as his run on Secret Avengers hopefully hits its stride. I once called him the “Lil Wayne of comics” in that he seems to be on everything that is hitting in the shelves and I hope that this does not burn him out. Coming out of Fear Itself, this issue hopefully picks up on something new for the Avengers’ covert team.
5) VESCELL #1 (Image Comics)
Written by Enrique Carrion, Art by John Upchurch
Another new series, this is something that has been described as a “techno noir” story. The concept is about people transferring their minds and spirits into other bodies in a crime story. I am always interested in trying new things and this looks like a fun, high concept book.
4) UNCANNY X-FORCE #14 (Marvel Comics)
Written by Rick Remender, Art by Jerome Opena
Back from the Age of Apocalypse, the heroes have the life seed and need to give it to Angel whether he wants it or not. I have high hopes for the next chapter in the “Dark Angel Saga” and if the teasers that Marvel released are to be believed we will see a new teammate out of this at the very least.
3) AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #668 (Marvel Comics)
Written by Dan Slott, Art by Humberto Ramos
The last issue ended with Spidey on the business end of an Avengers beat down. Sure, they thought he was one of the countless others that had spider powers and rocking one of his many uniforms, but an ass kicking is an ass kicking. I want to see how Mr. Parker comes back from that… I am sure it’ll make Christmas a bit awkward in the old Avengers Manor.
2) HERC #6.1 (Marvel Comics)
Written by Fred Van Lente & Greg Pak, Art by Mike Grell
Is Brooklyn in the house? Here we have another reader friendly Point One jumping on issue from Marvel, but this time focusing on the Greenpoint Guardian, Hercules! As much as I love a huge Greek bro dressed in green protecting my home town (Metropolitan & Lorimer REPRESENT!) FVL & Pak are a duo at just smashing out hit after hit and this book deserves more readers and if it doesn’t get them I predict it could go to the chopping block before issue 20. The action is fun and light, the dialog is pretty witty, and the references to other Marvel Universe happenings are fleeting if they are there at all. In other words, it is a damn good book for the causal reader.
JLA: Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Jim Lee
Flashpoint: Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Adam Kubert
This is it kids! The alpha and omega of the DC Universe is upon us! What happens in Flashpoint that sets resets the DC Universe? What happened five years ago that the first Justice League arc is a flashback to the new first meeting? All of the questions will be answered in part in just a few short days! And with a special midnight launch of these books in NYC at Midtown Comics hosted by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee you can bet that all of the hype will have fans talking one way or the other.
Here is a look at EVERYTHING that is scheduled for 8/31/11 release.
Flashpoint #5 (of 5) (Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope Regular Cover)
Flashpoint #5 (of 5) (Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover A)
Flashpoint #5 (of 5) (Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Variant Cover B)
Justice League #1 (Jim Lee & Scott Williams Regular Cover)
Justice League #1 (Jim Lee & Scott Williams Combo Pack Edition Cover)
Justice League #1 (David Finch Black & White Variant Cover)
Justice League #1 (David Finch Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #666 (Humberto Ramos 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #667 (Humberto Ramos 2nd Printing Hero Sketch Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #667 (Humberto Ramos 2nd Printing Lizard Sketch Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #668
Amazing Spider-Man Infested #1
Deadpool MAX #11 (of 12)
Fear Itself #1 (of 7) (Stuart Immonen 4th Printing Variant Cover)
Fear Itself The Deep #3 (of 4)
Gambit From The Marvel Vault #1
Herc #6.1
Incredible Hulks #635 (Paul Pelletier Regular Cover)
Incredible Hulks #635 (Adi Granov Variant Cover)
Incredible Hulks #635 (Blank Variant Cover)
Incredible Hulks #635 (Paul Pelletier Variant Cover)
Iron Man 2.0 #8
Journey Into Mystery #626.1
Marvel Previews #97 (September 2011 For Products On-Sale November 2011)
Mighty Thor #3 (Olivier Coipel 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Mighty Thor #5 (Olivier Coipel Regular Cover)
Mighty Thor #5 (Greg Land Variant Cover)
Secret Avengers #16 (John Cassaday Regular Cover)
Secret Avengers #16 (Jamie McKelvie Variant Cover)
Spider-Island Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu #1 (of 3)
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (of 6) (Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (of 6) (Sara Pichelli 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1 (of 4) (Kaare Andrews Regular Cover)
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1 (of 4) (Adam Kubert Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1 (of 4) (Neal Adams Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man By Sara Pichelli Poster
Uncanny X-Force #12 (Mark Brooks 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Uncanny X-Force #14
Venom #1 (Joe Quesada 4th Printing Variant Cover)
X-Men Schism #2 (of 5) (Frank Cho 2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Zombies Christmas Carol #5 (of 5)
Chronicles Of Wormwood The Last Battle #6 (of 6) (Oscar Jimenez Regular Cover)
Chronicles Of Wormwood The Last Battle #6 (of 6) (Oscar Jimenez Wraparound Cover)
Chronicles Of Wormwood The Last Battle #6 (of 6) (Oscar Jimenez Anti-Christ Edition)
Crossed Psychopath #2 (of 7) (Gianluca Pagliarani Philadelphia Comic Con Cover)
War Goddess #1 (Matt Martin Regular Cover)
War Goddess #1 (Michael Dipascale Art Deco Cover)
War Goddess #1 (Matt Martin Gore Cover)
War Goddess #1 (Michael Dipascale Wraparound Cover)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #4 (Cover A Tim Bradstreet)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #4 (Cover B Nick Percival)
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #4 (Cover C Tim Bradstreet)
Planet Of The Apes #5 (Cover A Karl Richardson)
Planet Of The Apes #5 (Cover B Carlos Magno)
Planet Of The Apes #5 (Cover C Karl Richardson)
Stan Lee’s The Traveler #10 (Cover A Dimitri Armand)
Stan Lee’s The Traveler #10 (Cover B Dimitri Armand)
Rinse #1 (Cover A Francesco Mattina)
Rinse #1 (Cover B Paul Azaceta)
Angel And Faith #1 (Jo Chen Variant Cover)
Angel And Faith #1 (Steve Morris Regular Cover)
Angel and Faith #1 (Georges Jeanty 25th Anniversary Variant Cover)
Goon #35
Hellboy The Fury #3 (of 3) (2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Kato Origins #11 (The Hellfire Club) (Final Issue) (Colton Worley Regular Cover)
Kato Origins #11 (The Hellfire Club) (Final Issue) (Francesco Francavilla Variant Cover)
Red Sonja #57 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover)
Red Sonja #57 (Walter Geovani Regular Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Ale Garza Regular Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic Regular Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover)
Vampirella #9 (Paul Renaud Red Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Fall Of Barsoom #2 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Fall Of Barsoom #2 (Francesco Francavilla Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Fall Of Barsoom #2 (Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover)
Warlord Of Mars Fall Of Barsoom #2 (Joe Jusko Black & White Variant Cover)
Zorro Rides Again #2 (Matt Wagner Regular Cover)
Zorro Rides Again #2 (Matt Wagner Black & White Variant Cover)
Locke And Key Clockworks #2 (of 6) (Gabriel Rodriguez Regular Cover)
Locke And Key Clockworks #2 (of 6) (Gabriel Rodriguez Variant Cover)
Rocketeer Adventures #4 (of 4) (Cover A Alex Ross)
Rocketeer Adventures #4 (of 4) (Cover B Dave Stevens)
Rocketeer Adventures #4 (of 4) (Alex Ross Sketch Variant Cover)
Rocketeer Adventures #4 (of 4) (Black & White Variant Edition)
Butcher Baker The Righteous Maker #6
Elephantmen #34
Epoch #1 (of 5)
Haunt #17
Invincible #82
Last Mortal #4 (of 4)
Savage Dragon #173
Skullkickers #10
Vault #2 (of 3)
Vescell #1
Walking Dead Weekly #35
Witch Doctor #2 (of 4) (2nd Printing Variant Cover)
Witchblade #147
I.C.E. #2 (of 4)
Betty & Veronica Friends Double Digest #217
Jugheads Double Digest #173
Sonic The Hedgehog #228
Veronica #208 (Veronica Presents Kevin Keller issue 2) (Dan Parent Regular Cover)
Veronica #208 (Veronica Presents Kevin Keller issue 2) (Dan Parent Variant Cover Edition)
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #4 (Cover A Eduardo Garcia)
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #4 (Cover B Eduardo Garcia)
Grim Ghost #4
Executive Assistant Violet #2 (of 3) (Cover A Pop Mhan)
Executive Assistant Violet #2 (of 3) (Cover B Pop Mhan Sketch Variant Cover)
Mindfield #6 (Cover A Alex Konat)
Soulfire Volume 3 #3 (Cover A Jason Fabok)
Soulfire Volume 3 #3 (Cover B Michael Ryan)
Soulfire Volume 3 #3 (Cover C Jason Fabok Sketch Variant Cover)
Fame #16 (50 Cent)
Comic Shop News #1263
Killing Velazquez GN
Gahan Wilson 50 Years Of Playboy Cartoons HC
Ghost World Special Edition HC
Hidden HC
Like A Sniper Lining Up His Shot HC
MOME Volume 22 GN (Spring 2011)
Eldritch Kid Whisky And Hate
Deep Here Be Dragons
Torn GN
Bodysnatchers #3 (of 6)
Gore #4 (of 12)
Route Des Maisons Rouges #5 (of 6)
Captain Action King Size Special #1 (Cover A John Byrne)
Captain Action King Size Special #1 (Cover B Mariah Benes)
Captain Action King Size Special #1 (Mark Wheatley Variant Cover)
Phases Of The Moon #1 (Domino Lady / The Spider) (Cover A Marcelo Ferreira)
Phases Of The Moon #1 (Domino Lady / The Spider) (Cover B Arley Tucker)
Sixth Gun #14
Doctor Who Magazine #437
2000 AD Pack July 2011 (issues 1741-1744)
2000 AD Pack June 2011 (issues 1736-1740)
ABC Warriors The Black Hole GN (Simon & Schuster Edition)
Judge Dredd Megazine #313
Judge Dredd The Restricted Files Volume 3 TP
Nikolai Dante Hero Of The Revolution TP
Invention Of Hugo Cabret GN (New Printing)
Aron Warners Pariah #2 (of 4)
CLiNT #9
Star Wars Insider #127 (Special) (Aug/Sep 2011) (Previews Exclusive Edition)
Supernatural Magazine #27 (Sep/Oct 2011) (Newsstand Edition)
Any Empire HC
Undying Monsters Magazine #2
Ultra Violent Magazine #11
Griff GN
Grimm Fairy Tales #63 (Dream Eater Crossover Part 9) (Cover A Eric Basaldua)
Grimm Fairy Tales #63 (Dream Eater Crossover Part 9) (Cover B Nei Ruffino)
Grimm Fairy Tales Annual 2011
Salems Daughter Haunting #1 (Cover A Artgerm)
Salems Daughter Haunting #1 (Cover B Fan Yang)
Salems Daughter Haunting #1 (Mike DeBalfo SDCC Variant Cover)