I am a Geek! And as you read through this book filled with thousands of words used throughout Geekdom, you may come to realize that you too are also a Geek. And that’s not a bad thing.
Geek culture is big. From computers and gaming, comics and anime, TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Chuck) and movies (The Social Network, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), Geeks are part of pop culture and are more prominent than ever. While it used to be used in a derogatory manner, the word Geek now has strength, power, and prestige in society.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, and a multitude of others can be classified under the name “Geek.” Geeks come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, genders, and races. There is no longer just one uniform version of what a Geek is. Let’s face it, we all have a little Geek inside all of us.
The Geektionary proves this fact time and time again with its bounty of word, phrases, and terms that you’ve probably heard or used yourself, and also many you haven’t. The book is divided into chapters that cover a specific topic area, and those in turn include trivia and fun quizzes.
So, what are these chapters? The book covers eight overarching Geek-related topics, which include: Chapter One: Geekology; Chapter Two: Geeks in Space – Science Fiction and Fantasy; Chapter Three: Geeks Help Batman Fight the Joker – Comic Books; Chapter Four: Geeks Go To Japan – Anime and Manga; Chapter Five: Geeks in Cyberspace – Science and Computers; Chapter Six: Geeks Watch ESPN – Sports; Chapter Seven: Geeked Up on D&D – Gaming; and Chapter Eight: Geekout at the Silver Screen – Television and the Movies.
Even if you consider yourself a Geek, I think you’ll still find plenty in this book that you may not know. And as a trivia buff, I must say that learned a heck of a lot while flipping though this book.
So, whether you are a Geek, want to be more of a Geek, associate with Geeks, or are going to date a Geek, the Geektionary is a great resource to have handy just in case you get asked if you’ve ever encountered a griefer while playing a MMORPG.
Authors Gregory Bergman and Josh Lambert have done a great job compiling and infusing humor into a book that could have been rather bland and uninteresting. But these guys have really brought forth an amazingly readable and entertaining tome that could be a party game in itself (with the right group of Geeks, of course).
Geektionary is available NOW in bookstores and online.
What’s your favorite Geek-related word, term, or phrase? Leave a comment and let us know!